𝓣𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴

891 31 4

After everyone woke up and had breakfast Seungmin wanted to go to the park to play all together. It was endearing to see how much the younger had changed after telling his secrets to the members. Now he didn't have the guard up all the time, and roasting his friends wasn't his favourite hobby anymore. Now the whole group was having a picnic in a park near to their dorm.

"Innie can you pass me another sandwich please?" Changbin asked the maknae, who had the food basket next to him. The youngest threw a sandwich and the rapper catched it, while everyone was chatting and having fun.

The second youngest was trying hard not to slip again into his littlespace, since picnics were his favourite game when he was little. However, the vocalist thought that slipping was not convenient, first of all because they were in a public place, and secondly because he didn't want to burden his group anymore.

"You ok Min?" asked Jeongin, who was next to him.


"You were spacing out hyung" pointed out the maknae.

"Oh sorry" apologized the older vocalist.

"Everything ok Seungmin?" asked Hyunjin.

"Yeah I'm... I'm sorry" stuttered quietly Seungmin.

"You wanna be little?" asked Chan worried by his dongsaeng's quietness.

The second youngest shook his head, tears filling up his eyes. Why did the leader mention it? Now staying big was even more difficult.

Seungmin didn't know how he ended up slipping and crying on Minho's lap. The dancer was caressing his hair quietly, not knowing what to do to calm down the crying boy. Minho held his dongsaeng's hands with his left hand, while his other hand was caressing his friend's hair. When Seungmin felt his hyung's hand squeezing his, he immediately gave it a bitie. That helped him calm down a bit, enough to crawl to Felix who was on the verge of tears too seeing his friend crying.

"It okay, but I no wanted be little" the little comforted his friend, while climbing on his lap and using his thumb to dry the few tears that escaped the little sunshine's eyes.

Felix chuckled at how adorable his friend was. "Why didn't you want to be little pup?"

"Because people will see me but I don't wanna go home" pouted the little.

"What if we stay calm here? No one will notice and we can discuss some important things, like some rules for you" offered Chan.

"Channie's right, you need to have some rules little one. Nothing bad, just eat three meals a day and go to sleep early when you feel really small, things like that ok?" Han reassured the vocalist when he saw a frown on his face.

Hesitantly Seungmin nodded and sat comfortably on Felix's lap before listening to his hyungs.

"Ok so first of all. Do you use pet regression too as a stress-relief method or only littlespace?" asked Hyunjin.

"Sometimes 'm puppy but not many times" answered Seungmin.

"And... what is your little age?" asked Felix.

"Mmm... Sometimes 5 but sometimes 3 and sometimes 2 too!" smiled the vocalist satisfied with his explanation.

"Oh so sometimes you become a little baby too!" Seungmin nodded happily at his hyung's excitement.

They discussed about rules, rewards and punishments for breaking rules for some more time, but then a thunder echoed across the sky, sign that a storm was coming. The members were fast to put everything in the basket and run to their dorm, but the rain was faster to pour on the boys just about fifty meters from their dorm. Seungmin was really cold, his outfit didn't warm him not even the slightest bit. Changbin placed the little on his hip while Chan ran ahead of everyone to open the door and preventing it from closing so that the other members could enter the building.

Once they entered the dorm, every member got a different task from the leader.

Felix and Jeongin started making hot chocolate for everyone; Changbin, Hyunjin and Han built a fort in the living room and Lee Know gathered some snacks to eat in the fort. Meanwhile Chan was changing Seungmin's clothes in his room. The little hated having sticky wet clothes on, and with his complains he made sure everyone else knew it too.

Chan quickly bathed the little with warm water and dressed him with some sweatpants and his (Chan's) hoodie. All the members secretly loved wearing their leader's hoodies, even though all the pieces of clothing the oldest boy had were black.

Once Seungmin returned to the living room he found a giant fort, even better than the last one, waiting for him. His friends were all inside, with hot chocolate, snacks and his favorite cartoon already on the TV. Everyone watched that until it was time for the little to go to sleep. Seungmin had insisted for Felix to put him to sleep, and the dancer didn't complain at all, instead he was happy. He was ready to do everything to make his friend feel better.

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