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All the members were around the dinner table eating take out. Only Seungmin wasn't eating. He was silent and thoughts were running around in his head.

"Minnie are you alright? You look a bit sick." the leader got instantly worried seeing his conditions.

"I... Can I tell you guys a secret? It's... really important." the mentioned boy gathered his courage and pleaded his friends looking them in the eyes one by one.

"Sure! What is it Seungmin-ah?" asked Felix.

"Have you ever heard of age regression or pet regression?" the second youngest quietly asked.

"I had a friend who was a pet regressor, it was fun taking care of him" smiled Hyunjin remembering the past.

"My baby sister is a little, I sometimes looked after her. Why are- oh."

Silence spreaded across the room. Realization hit the members. There was no need to tell anything else.

Seungmin, who was already slipping in littlespace because of tension, now slipped completely hearing nothing more than light breathing.

Thinking the members hadn't accepted him, the little started to cry and crumpled up into a ball, with his knees covering his eyes and arms wrapped around his legs.

Chan was the first to recover from the surprise. He took the little in his arms and placed him on the floor, to prevent falls.

The others didn't know whether they had to let him space or give him comfort by rubbing his back or something. Hesitantly Chan put a hand on his friend's shoulder. Feeling the touch, Seungmin opened his eyes. Chan's hand was comforting.

Soon the little abandoned the position he was into to roll on his back grabbing the leader's fingers. He placed the middle part of his leader's finger in his mouth and smiled.

Chan was confused, the action the younger did wasn't painful. Surely it helped him calm down though.

"Uhh... Minnie, what are you doing?" asked Chan.

"Bitie" giggled his dongsaeng as if it was obvious, before placing the leader's finger in his mouth again. Chan and everyone else smiled. The boy surely was cute.

Soon enough, the little was tired.

"Do you wanna watch a movie little puppy?" asked Changbin doing aegyo for Seungmin.

However, the little shook his head no, he was too tired to stay awake.

Hyunjin took him to his bedroom and stayed with him until he fell asleep, little breaths being the only noises that could be heard.

Going back to the living room, Hyunjin explained pet regression and age regression to the members who were still clueless.

All the members agreed to take care of Seungmin in every way possible.

"We just need to understand some things about him. For age regression what age he usually regresses to and his personality, while for pet regression what pet he thinks himself as and what makes him uncomfortable." pointed out Hyunjin, who already was in caregiver-mode.

"We surely will. For now let's not stress things too much, he obviously needs some time and space." said Felix, remembering the reaction of his groupmate.

Every member went his respective room, everyone thinking about the freshly revealed secret. Seungmin had trusted them, and they all had to do something in order to make him feel better.

Maybe Seungmin never lets his guard down, not even when he's with us, so that stress piles up and he uses littlespace and petspace as a method to escape from that, thought Felix. The scene where Seungmin looked so vulnerable and desperate still haunted the little sunshine, who hated seeing people like that, especially the people who he cared a lot about.

Everyone fell asleep with the mind full of thoughts, especially Felix. Maybe the next day will be better...

Author's note
This is my first littlespace fanfiction but it will definitely not be the last! Please show it love and share it <3

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