𝓘'𝓶 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓽𝓸𝓸

530 22 15

"Chan... I need to see Chan" panted Chaeryeong once the door opened.

"I'm here, what do you need Chae?" asked the leader worried, gently pushing Han, who opened the door, and exiting the dorm.

"I'll be here in a second Sung" excused himself the oldest boy. Closing the door he faced the girl, who was still catching her breath.

"What did you do to Jeongin? What happened between you two?" Chaeryeong was a bit mad, she needed to know what made Jeongin so worried about losing his leader.

"Well, we used to fight a lot in these last days, I made a promise and couldn't keep it and for him it was really important" Chan explained everything, and the girl felt a bit sad for him. He was trying his best to be the perfect leader but he felt like he was failing.

"Why? Did something happen to Jeongin?" asked the leader, already worried about his dongsaeng.

"Nothing happened, but he seemed really sad, he asked me to come to you and ask you if you hate him. Can I tell him that it wasn't true and he imagined everything? I don't wanna give him fake hopes so if you in fact hate him, say it to me" Chaeryeong was really straightforward, she hated seeing Jeongin sad. Littlespace should be a safe place but the boy was sad for things that happen in his big space, which shouldn't happen.

"I could never hate him, please tell him that we want him to come back" pleaded Chan. "We all miss him Chaeryeong, more than you could ever imagine"

"He misses you too, but he told me things I would have never imagined" admitted Chaeryeong.

"What did he say?"

"Well... I don't know if I can tell you, it's not my secret" hesitated the girl.

"No one else's gonna know Chae. Please, I really wanna help him" tried to convince the leader.

"Ok then... did you know he's a little?"

Chan was shocked. Jeongin a little too?

"Your face tells me everything. I thought Felix told you but clearly he didn't. Well, he is a little, usually 1 year old. With that being said, remember when Seungmin stayed here with you during the Christmas holidays?" receiving a nod, the girl continued.

"He was actually planning to tell you he's a little once you arrived in Busan. But you never did" Chaeryeong looked at Chan a bit disgusted, remembering how much Jeongin cried while telling the girls.

"I-" the boy was cutted off.

"I didn't ask any explanation. He was scared too, you know. Of slipping. His parents aren't better than Seungmin's ones" revealed Chaeryeong.

Chan widened his eyes. If only Jeongin had told him, none of this would have happened. Was the maknae scared of him? Once again, the oldest thought that he didn't deserve the title of leader.

"Yeah, and even before, when you didn't notice he was sick too" continued the girl.

"When Seungmin was sick, and you were all too immersed in taking care of him and didn't notice Jeongin was suffering too. All these things, put together, led Jeongin to hide at our dorm. He wants to see all of you, but at the same time he's scared"

"Please, let me see my baby fox" Chan had tears in his eyes, he wanted to fix everything without messing up this time.

"I'll go see if he's still awake" Chaeryeong headed towards her dorm, while Chan stayed there waiting for her.

Indeed, the little was waiting for her on Yeji's hip while the girl was making a bottle for him.

"He just wouldn't fall asleep" explained Yeji. "He wanted to know what does Chan think about him"

"Oh, well, he wants to see you baby fox" smiled Chaeryeong taking the boy from her leader and placing him on her hip.

The boy's face lit up: even if he was tired he wanted to see his leader.

"Do you want to go?" receiving an eager nod, the girl continued.

"He said he wants to fix things between you"

"Go?" asked Jeongin impatiently.

"Ok, but let Yeji finish making your bottle. I know you're tired, you can drink your bottle on the way" in that moment, Yeji handed a warm bottle full of milk to her groupmate.

"Take him back home Chae" smiled the oldest girl, giving a goodbye kiss to Jeongin before cutely waving at him and leaving.

"Mama?" the little was confused. Why was his mama leaving?

"Mama wants you to see Channie. You want to see Channie too, right?" asked the girl.

Nodding, the boy relaxed on Chaeryeong's shoulder and let her feed him. While holding the bottle for the little, Chaeryeong opened the door using her elbow and started to walk towards Stray Kids' dorm

Once the two were there, Jeongin noticed Chan. He was standing in front of the door with his head low and his hands in his pockets. Hearing footsteps, the leader looked up and saw his bandmate cuddling on Chaeryeong's shoulder. The girl was holding the bottle, now empty, with one hand.

"Wait let me take that" the leader took the bottle and left it in the kitchen, before going back to Chaeryeong.

"Thanks Chan. Hey, there's Channie" whispered to the boy in his arms. Sleepily the little looked around and once he saw the leader, he made grabby hands to him. Chuckling the oldest took him in his arms and cuddled him for a second, before thanking Chaeryeong.

"No problem but if I get to know you mistreat him..."

"...You're so dead" ended the sentence the girl, only moving her lips without making any sound.

The leader gulped and nodded, before carrying Jeongin to his bed.

The little didn't like being alone though, so he grasped onto Chan's shirt to make him stay. Smiling the oldedy boy laid down next to him and continued to caress his hair until he was in deep sleep.



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