𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷?

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When Jeongin finally got back in Seoul, only two days later after knowing that Chan and Felix were staying, the first thing he did was unpack his things. Seungmin and Felix went out to the convenience store nearby since no one was in the mood to cook. Chan was in his room with his laptop, composing some music. Jeongin thought the leader didn't hear him since he had his headphones on, but unfortunately for him the leader heard the door open and close. Quietly Chan followed Jeongin,who didn't notice the oldest since he was too lost in his thoughts, and before the maknae could shut the door behind him Chan stopped it. Jeongin looked at the leader confused and angry before shoving him away and locking the door after closing it.

"Jeongin I just wanna talk, please!"

"There's no need hyung, I already understood everything!" said bitterly the maknae. "I know who to blame though. It's all Seungmin's fault, if he didn't come out as a little nothing would have happened" muttered Jeongin under his breath. Jokes on him, Chan heard everything.

"Jeongin shut up THIS INSTANT. Seungmin is our friend and we wanna help him just like we help you. Did you hear me? And open the door, you're just being childish, you're so childish and selfish."

Chan was so immersed in scolding the younger that he didn't hear the broken sobs coming out of the youngest's mouth. He absolutely hated comparisons and judgements, but what made it worse was that it was Chan reminding him how much of a mistake he was. Jeongin thought of himself as that, a mistake, that's what his parents made him believe his whole life.

Jeongin sat on his bed crying, Chan going away after finishing his scolding. The youngest just couldn't understand. The leader never shouted at him, but this time he did. Defending who? Seungmin of course. The maknae could hear Chan and Seungmin laughing, with the vocalist obviously little, and Chan's voice saying something in English to Felix.

Jeongin could hear footsteps coming towards his room, altough at first he couldn't tell which Aussie they belonged to. He didn't want to be seen in his current state, with messy tears still running down his cheeks remembering his leader's words. Soon a low, deep voice spoke.

"Innie... can I come in?"

The maknae didn't want to answer, since he was out of breath from crying and his voice could easily tell the older he wasn't fine at all. But he didn't want to be childish again and not answering without an apparent reason is rude and childish. So the yougest, in a shaky whisper, said he was fine.

"Yeah, I'm not buying that. Open the door Jeongin-ah" asked Felix worried.

Jeongin sighed and unlocked the door, to quickly let Felix in before closing it again.

"What happened Jeongin?"

"I was jealous of Seungmin" admitted the youngest. "He was the reason you and hyung didn't come to Busan. But then-"

Jeongin's voice cracked remembering what happened and a stray tear fell on Felix's hand, who immediately started comforting the younger.

"He told me I'm childish and selfish" finished the maknae, now fully crying again. Felix comforted him until the crying stopped, then spoke.

"You may be a little childish, but that's alright, you're our maknae and you know we like to spoil you a bit. But for the selfish part, you aren't selfish the slightest bit. You're always kind with everyone and you always try to help even though you don't know what you will be doing." remembered Felix.
"Actually, Chan hyung said he wanted to apologise to you for the whole Busan story but messed up again now. Innie, he knows that what he did was wrong, can you forgive him?"

Jeongin thought for a bit then nodded. The two of them, holding hands, walked slowly to the living room, where Chan was tickling Seungmin. Seeing this, the maknae squeezed a bit Felix's hand but controlled himself.

"Jeongin come here please" requested the leader. Hesitantly the youngest did what he was told to.

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I know I did wrong by not coming to Busan, and I definitely messed up calling you... what I called you before. Seungmin couldn't go home for the holidays because his parents would hate him if he slipped and he didn't want to take any risk. But I understand that maybe one of us was enough to take care of him and the other one could have reached you to your house" the leader finished the explanation with a small smile, hoping for forgiveness from his friend.

"I'm sorry too Channie" said the youngest. Unlike the oldest, he wasn't smiling, but just like Chan he meant every letter of what he said. The leader smiled and almost teared up when he finally heard his name being called again by Jeongin. He felt happy again, happy that his friend wasn't angry at him anymore.

"Innie here!" Seungmin appeared out of nowhere and hopped in the maknae's arms. Jeongin catched him and laughed.

"Yes I'm here puppy, how are you?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"I'm doing fine too little pup"

"I'm going to cook some ramyeon in the meantime" the little sunshine announced before heading to the kitchen, being stopped by Chan holding onto his sleeve.

"Hold up, you ain't going if I am not with you" warned the leader.

"Why not mate? I'm absolutely capable of cooking some instant ramyeon without burning the whole JYP building" Felix faked being offended.

"Yeah sure. You said making pancakes was easy but it ended up being a disaster" reminded Chan remembering the burned pancakes Felix made a long time ago. Since then Chan didn't allow no one to cook alone.

"Innie can you take care of Seungmin while I make sure this five-star Michelin doesn't commit arson?" pleaded the leader.

"Yeah sure. Want to watch some cartoons Minnie?" the two youngest went to the living room while the Aussie mates headed towards the kitchen.


as usual I didn't proof read this chapter but yeah hope you enjoy! Vote and comment plss

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