71. At least she's safe...

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On the last Friday of the first term holidays, Christine was there visiting with Morgan, as her regular housemate currently was out again.

"So, you've been in this house for pretty much the whole break?" Christine asked her in near disbelief. Morgan nodded.

"I'm bored out of my mind. But at least I have sunlight here, unlike the last place."

"That must have been so horrible..." Christine sympathised. "Oh, why don't you come out with me tonight?" She suggested as a sudden brainwave of what she had planned for the evening popped into her mind. "If you're up to it, of course."

"With you and Shannon? Where are you going?" Morgan enquired. Christine shook her head lightly.

"No, Shannon's been sick with the flu pretty much since the start of the holidays, actually. A girl in my drama class invited me to a few drinks she's having, and Tammy's busy with James, of course... so, would you maybe want to come with me?"

"I'd like that," Morgan replied with a smile.

Steve happily agreed to drop them off that evening, as he was going that way anyway, to see a friend of his.

"Can I text you when we're ready to go?" Morgan asked before getting out of the Jaguar.

"Depends on what I'm doing at the time. I could be somewhat busy..." Steve replied with a smirk. Weeks earlier, Morgan would have felt fine for her and Christine to walk back across town. But not after the events of Tony, even with Steve gifting her a strong pepper spray. Morgan glanced down at the time on her cell phone and made a quick plan in her head.

"It's seven-past eight now. That gives you four whole hours to sell drugs, bang and be a general thug if you come back and pick us up by twelve," Morgan suggested, and watched as he simply smirked.

"Okay, Morg."

"Thank you," she exhaled, then closed the door and turned to her other friend.

"Ready?" Christine asked excitedly, while holding a box of twelve ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages.

"Are you going to drink all that?"

"No, you're going to help me," she stated as they walked down a driveway that led to a back section.

"Nah, I don't really want to drink tonight," she replied, hoping to keep her mind sharp.

"Why not? Come on, you've got to have a couple with me..."

"Maybe..." Morgan sighed, getting the feeling that Christine was planning on having a very drunken night.

They walked up to the older looking, well maintained house and knocked on the door. There was a deck that went from the front of the house and wrapped around to the back, where some of the other guests were sitting. A pretty, medium-length blonde haired girl their age answered the door.

"Chris, you made it!"

"Hey, Sally. This is Morgan," Christine introduced.

"Hey," Morgan greeted her politely.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. Is this your partner?" Sally asked, now knowing that she was gay, but not knowing who she was dating. Morgan looked a little overwhelmed by the comment as Christine shook her head.

"No, just a friend. My girlfriend is sick at home."

"Aw, I'm sorry. I hope she gets well soon. Please, come in and make yourselves at home," she uttered and stepped aside for them to enter.

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