24. She lied to me again... and I believed her!

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Come Monday, Damian finally made an appearance back at school just as they were almost ready to go to their first proper classes of the year.

"Hi," he sheepishly greeted everyone except the two that weren't there, being that of his girlfriend and the guy she cheated on him with. The girls all politely greeted him as he made his way over to briefly sit beside his friends before the school day began.

"I hope you're alright," Lenka remarked genuinely.

"Agreed," Steve offered his hand as he sat down then handed him a small piece of paper containing information on his class schedule. "You and I have history class first."

"Oh cool," he smiled at the welcome news of his first class back being with a friend.

"Yeah. So, how are you doing?"

Damian gave him a slight nod.

"Alright, considering."

"Heard from either of them?" Steve queried.


"Not even Ferrie?" Lenka asked, to which Damian shook his head.

"Four days?" Steve raised his eyebrows. "None of us have heard back from her either."

"Really?" Damian asked in surprise just as the bell went to indicate the start of the school day.

"That's not like her," Steve thought out loud as everyone began to get up.

"I'll catch you guys later," Lenka uttered, glancing down at his timetable that showed he had a physical education class.

"Catch you," Damian replied.

"Later, bro," Steve grinned as he and Damian then headed in the direction of a central block of classrooms.

"So, you've got a knack for reading people, don't you?" Damian quizzed him. Steve tipped his head slightly to either side as he thought about it.

"Kind of. I just tend to see everything."

"On the day of the fight, just before Ferrie... you know. Did it seem suspicious to you that something might have happened between her and Drake?"

"She's a tough one. I have trouble reading her a lot of the time because she's unpredictable to a degree," he sighed. "But just before she stormed off, I could see she was clearly agitated, but didn't think much of it because, let's face it, it was Jessica Drake was talking to."

"Did you notice anything with Drake?"

"Oh yeah, that guys an open book. Sorry, but yeah, I could see he's liked your woman for a long time. He hid it well, though. I'm guessing he values your friendship more," he said, then hesitated a little. "Or he did..."

Damian didn't like that thought, obviously. But he didn't let himself dwell on it much as he and Steve entered their history classroom. Once inside, they walked down to almost the back row and sat down next to each other.

"Clearly, they went ahead and did it at your party. And judging by the state of Ferrie's clothes when she got back to mine, I'd say they did it outside."

"Grass stains?"

"Yep. So, if you tend see everything, shouldn't you have seen them go off to do it?"

"I was probably in the bedroom smoking up," he sighed. Damian rolled his eyes, knowing he didn't need to explain exactly what.

"I'm not surprised."

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