Chapter 5

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    [The most popular Yaomei, the wild king who rides a pendant. ]

    [I finally understand why I can't match Angshen, it's because I'm too strong. ]

    [I also want to squat in the wild and graze, God, look at me! ! ! 】

    Shen Jia opened the barrage and re-watched the replay of Lu Ang's live broadcast last night.

    At the moment when she led Lu Ang to death and sent her off at the fourth level, the bullet screen was full of hahaha laughter, which could be heard across the screen.

    Some bullet screens dissed Shen Jia relentlessly, saying that throwing a handful of rice on the screen of the mobile phone would make chickens dodge skills better than her.

    In fact, compared to Luban No. 7's 1-7-0 record, Yao's 0-1-6 record is not too bad.

    After all, it was the Bronze Game, and everyone didn't know how to play it without knowing it. Except for the fourth level, Shen Jia gave it away once, and she didn't die after that.

    If it wasn't for Lu Ang, they would just be pecking at each other. It's hard to say who will win.

    Shen Jia's mentality is fairly peaceful. After playing the game, she reflects on herself and sums up her experience, and plans to watch a few more game videos to study.

    She used the tablet to follow Lu Ang's live broadcast room, and watched his live video playback repeatedly.

    Lu Ang usually doesn't like to show his face, and he is mostly silent during the live broadcast. Perhaps because he was afraid of being too deserted, he occasionally played music casually, and with the background sound of music, he would not appear too embarrassed.

    During live broadcasts, most of Lu Ang's players are junglers, and he rarely duos with others, so Shen Jia, as a special case, was verbally "cared for" by his fans.

    NSN has a game tomorrow, and Manager Yang just sent her a message saying that Lu Ang will train tonight and not rank.

    Shen Jia turned the paintbrush in her hand, rested her chin and looked at the message from Manager Yang, all she could think about was whether Lu Ang despised her for being too good like the fans in his live broadcast room?

    She tapped her temples with her fingertips, put down the paintbrush and replied to Manager Yang's message.

    【JIA】: Can you give me Lu Ang's contact information? The next time I play games, I'll just ask him out directly.

    Manager Yang replied quickly, and directly pushed a person's business card over.

    [Sheep]: He hasn't woken up yet, he may come back later, don't mind [smile].

    Players sometimes stay up until three or four in the morning for training, and they usually don't get up in the morning.

    Shen Jia clicked on the business card, clicked on apply to join as a friend, and sent a message:

    [Shen Jia].

    She took a photo of the promotional poster that had been sketched on the digital board and sent it to Manager Yang, asking him if there was anything he needed to change. If not, she could send it to him this afternoon.

    NSN will compete at 6 o'clock tomorrow night, as long as the posters can be released tonight.

    After looking at the pictures, Manager Yang couldn't help but let out the sound of sheep in the camp, with wrinkled smiles on his face, satisfied with every bite!

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