Chapter 30

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    Shen Jia closed the door gently with her backhand, put her keys, mobile phone and bag on the table next to her, and walked towards the bed.

    She sat by the bed and looked down at Lu Ang through the light outside the window.

    Most of his head was covered in the quilt, his face was hidden in the darkness, and he could not see half of his expression with his back to her.

    "Lu Ang, I'm sorry." Shen Jia said softly, pressing her clenched fingers on her lap, "If you are not happy, get angry at me, don't bully yourself."

    Lu Ang seemed to be asleep, even the sound of his gentle breathing There are no fluctuations.

    The two stayed in silence for a while.

    The air conditioner is turned on in the room, so it is inevitable to feel hot after sitting for a long time.

    Shen Jia took off her down jacket, stood up and hung it on the hinge behind the door.

    The sound of shoes walking on the floor is especially noticeable in a quiet room.

    She got up from the bed and walked towards the door, step by step, getting farther and farther away from him.

    Shen Jia is leaving.

    Lu Ang's ears moved slightly, and his heart twisted instantly. He couldn't help looking back at her, and sat up with his hands on the bed.

    He was half lying and half leaning in the dark shadows, his dark eyes silently followed Shen Jia's back, watching her stand at the door and about to go out.

    Lu Ang pursed his thin lips tightly, his fingers slowly gripped the quilt on his waist and abdomen, his knuckles turned white.

    The already aching stomach is now more like being thrown into the washing machine, tossing back and forth.

    "Shen Jia." Lu Ang called her in a hoarse voice, fixed his eyes on her back, and said in a whisper, "My stomach hurts." She was the one who promised herself to go to Chengdu, and she changed her mind temporarily tonight

    . She was also the one who broke her promise and gained weight.

    The wrong person is obviously Shen Jia, but now she can leave as soon as she wants, so can't she coax him more?

    Maybe if she coaxed her a few more words, she wouldn't be angry anymore.

    Lu Ang ate too many mints just now, and now the cold bitterness in his mouth seeped into the bottom of his heart along the root of his tongue, it was cold, and he couldn't feel any warmth even though he was covered with a quilt.

    Cold, cold internal organs hurt.

    Bitter, bitter mouth and stomach acid reflux.

    In the evening, when Shen Jia said that he couldn't go to Chengdu, and before he hung up the phone, Lu Ang wanted to smoke.

    He was irritable and angry, and he habitually reached into the pocket of his down jacket to feel for the cigarette case, only to find out a square green box that was two circles smaller than the cigarette case.

    It's a mint box, newly bought to quit smoking.

    In the past few days, when he was addicted to cigarettes, Lu Ang poured two pills out of a small box and put them in his mouth. He turned on his phone and searched for the food streets in Chengdu.

    Thinking of quitting smoking just by eating sugar is like thinking of peaches.

    When the addiction to cigarettes comes up, the itching that crawls out of the bone marrow cannot be relieved by one or two mints.

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