Chapter 46

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    On an unremarkable morning, fans yawned and swiped their phones in boredom, when they suddenly heard a reminder from Special Concern, Angshen updated Weibo!

    The fans woke up instantly with excitement, and cheerfully ordered in to eat food with dog bowls in their hands.

    Ang Shen is still not a person who likes to blog more, but since falling in love, he will post some small videos or daily routines every year on his birthday. Among them, Shen Jia is the one who has appeared the most times, and occasionally there are zero and top of them.

    On my birthday last year, Angshen took a picture of the birthday cake with the words "Made by Jiajia".

    Obviously just a few ordinary words, without even a facial expression, the fans were stunned to see from the lines that they were proud and proud but couldn't help but want to show off.

    Tsk, Ang Cub.

    Last year, he was just 20 years old, and the age finally started with two words. Ang Shen was in a great mood, and made a short video for the first time.

    In the video, Lu Ang was dressed casually, facing the sun and sitting cross-legged on the balcony carpet with his back to the camera, holding a pure white dog in his arms.

    The photographer was Shen Jia. She didn't appear on the scene, but she called out to Lu Ang with a gentle and clear voice.

    Immediately afterwards, the fans saw their cold-tempered and unfriendly Angshen in front of them. They turned their heads and looked up at the person who was filming. Seeing her holding up her mobile phone, her eyes seemed a little helpless, and they called her softly, "Jia Jia."

    That Doting tone, that soft little soft voice!

    Tsk, tits!

    Fans complained while licking the video, asking him if he still remembered the high-spirited person who sat on a high stool and taunted his opponents at the KPL field by Daming Lake?

    People who say good things are cold and poisonous!

    Lu Ang is twenty-two years old this year, and fans actually felt a little apprehensive before clicking on Weibo.

    Since last summer, there have been rumors that Ang Shen is preparing to retire. The career of a professional player is actually just those few years.

    As of this year, among the first five players of NSN, only Lu Ang is still standing on the field. The opponents in the past have changed batch after batch. The former teammates have either become data analysts in the team or become themselves. coach.

    Last summer, the fans cried so much that they posted a blog on Angshen Chaohua asking him to play for another year. He is still in form, and he can still lead this batch of new players.

    Mainly, they hated him.

    Later, the roster for the autumn competition came out, and Lu Ang was the jungler.

    Although he doesn't talk much, he is actually very fond of fans.

    He saw what he said in Chaohua, so he still took the risk to play for another year when he knew that his state might not be as good as the next year.

    You must know that professional players rely on hand speed and reaction speed, and the talent state in their teens cannot be caught up by hard work in their twenties.

    Lu Ang has won too many honors. Every year, there are highlights of him in the edition. There are six skins related to him in the alliance.

    Mentioning the name Lu Ang, even passers-by and players couldn't help calling him a god.

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