Chapter 41

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    After Lu Ang was discharged from the hospital, Shen Jia was thinking about marking him thoroughly, but the finals were right in front of him, if it caused a fever after being completely marked, Lu Ang would not even be able to participate in the competition.

    Just imagine, if the fans know that the wild king from League A to the point where Omega's legs are weak is actually an Omega, the scene is probably like a fried chicken coop, O crying A crazy B silent.

    Lu Ang pretending to be Alpha can be scolded in the hot search every minute, and he will be pulled out and whipped if he thinks about it in the future.

    When Shen Jiaguang thought of this scene, he stopped thinking for a moment, rubbed the hot glands on the back of Lu Ang's neck, closed his eyes and gasped.

    The finals are scheduled for mid-December, and there is still one week left, and Renren will pass.

    On the second day after NSN defeated VGT, when Lu Ang was hospitalized, QA took away the opponent CCE with a 3-0 record and won another ticket to the finals.

    Not long after the new version was updated, NSN had an appointment with QA for a training match. They thought it could be called QAQ, but they got zero seals and were pushed back and forth on the ground.

    The QA team is best at shooting lineups, and this version is simply tailor-made for them to win the championship.

    The opponent is too strong, and all NSN members said that it is impossible without pressure. Since Lu Ang was discharged from the hospital, except for taking pre-match makeup photos and promotional videos, the few people have never left the hotel gate, and they have been training in the room from morning to night.

    If it weren't for the fact that Lu Ang had just been discharged from the hospital and needed to rest, they would have trained during the day and practiced at night, and they wouldn't even be willing to sleep.

    Shen Jia stood at the door of their temporary training room every day, and when the time came, she would take Lu Ang back to sleep.

    She didn't know how the second place ended, but she knew better than anyone else the color of Lu Ang's face when he was lying on the hospital bed that day.

    If you want to train, you can train during the day and sleep when you should go to bed at night, so you can't delay the night life.

    Shen Jia told Manager Yang that after the autumn competition, the club needs to adjust the schedule of the players, because they are too busy playing games to keep up with their physical fitness.

    The fat is too fat and the thin is too thin. Usually it is either a stomachache or a cold.

    At that time, let Manager Yang properly engage in team building and mountain climbing, and invite coaches and nutritionists to set aside a few days a week to arrange players to exercise.

    Manager Yang agreed with this proposal with both hands, saying that as long as Shen Jia nodded, he would arrange for the players during the offseason.

    It's just that the finals are coming up this season, and the players don't have the energy to do it anymore. Not to mention anything else, every time Manager Yang just gets a few of them out to shoot the promotional video for the finals, it's more difficult than reaching the sky.

    The filming time agreed by the alliance with the team was in the morning, and Zero and the others hadn't woken up at all, they were groggy and in a state comparable to sleepwalking.

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