Chapter 50

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    Spring just started in March and April, and the weather is still a bit cold. What's more, the location of the signing this time is a seaside city, which makes it even more humid and cold.

    After getting off the plane, Shen Jia felt a little regretful. Lu Ang should have been allowed to stay. Although he was wearing a loose jacket, he couldn't see his slightly protruding belly, but he was pregnant anyway, so don't turn around and freeze again.

    She turned her head to look over frequently, Lu Ang thought for a while, and kissed her forehead with red ears and drooping eyes.

    There were quite a lot of people coming and going, Shen Jia's face was slightly hot, she held Lu Ang's hand with a smile, and didn't explain that she didn't mean that just now.

    The two people's fingers intertwined, Shen Jia felt Lu Ang's warm palm, and felt that after the new year, she liked him a little more than last year.

    The organizer of this year's signing event is Shen Jia's old friend from college. The two people are engaged in related industries, so they have been in touch with each other over the years and have a good relationship.

    Seeing Shen Jia get off the plane, the other party stepped on her high heels and greeted her.

    Tao Zi is an Alpha with a rich appearance and strong aura. She is completely different from the gentle Shen Jia. Despite her aggressive appearance, her personality is actually more cheerful than funny.

    Shen Jia let go of Lu Ang and hugged her, Tao Zi smiled and said in Shen Jia's ear, "Huh? Stared at me, your Omega seems to have stared at me, does he think we hugged for too long?"

    Lu Ang was wearing a black jacket, with a cold and fierce aura, and when he looked over with distant eyes, he looked more like an Alpha than an Alpha.

    "Your Omega looks so cold and arrogant, how did you win such a powerful person?" Tao Zi let go of Shen Jia, and secretly asked her for advice.

    The Omega in Tao Zi's family has a gentle and gentle personality, but when he loses his temper, he can be compared to a cat with blown hair, like a walking fire-breathing beast, not to mention Shen Jia, an Omega who is very powerful just by looking at it.

    If he gets angry, it's probably comparable to a nuclear bomb explosion!

    "You're not having a good day." Tao Zi is quite experienced in his own way, and said with emotion, "Who made us Alpha, so we shouldn't pamper him more." As soon as he finished speaking,

    Tao Zi saw Lu Ang Reaching out to take the bag from Shen Jia's hand and hanging it on his shoulder, Hang Mou took her hand and stuffed it into his pocket to cover it.

    The person who raised his eyes and looked at her coldly just now looked at Shen Jia with lowered eyelashes, his aura restrained, and there was a hint of meekness? !

    On the other hand, Shen Jia smiled and said something to him as if she was used to it, and didn't feel anything wrong at all.

    Tao Zi was horrified, and for the first time doubted the real gender of his old friend.

    Looking at this posture, which of you two is the favored Omega?

    The signing started in the afternoon, and the three of them had a meal together at noon. Lu Ang had a bad appetite, Shen Jia ordered him some porridge, and he ate a few spoonfuls, then sat beside him and listened to Shen Jia chatting with Tao Zi.

    Tao Zi found that these two people really didn't look like "old A and old O" who had been dating for six years and were about to enter the seven-year itch. Instead, they looked like a young couple in love, with each other in their eyes.

Wild King is an Omega [female A male O]Where stories live. Discover now