Chapter 48

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    It's not that Lu Ang doesn't want children, it's just that he hasn't adapted yet. Although he is an Omega, he has turned himself into an Alpha, and he can't accept the sudden birth of a smaller life in his body.

    Moreover, he has just served as the head coach for one season now, and he will definitely not be able to play next season if he is pregnant. People who are used to standing on the stage suddenly want to go behind the scenes and are not used to it.

    After the celebration banquet was over, Lu Ang had already guessed almost in his heart, but when the pregnancy test results came out, he was still a little dazed.

    Manager Yang took the contestants to sing, Lu Ang never participated in these, and today's condition was not right, Manager Yang stopped the car and sent him back early.

    Shen Jia was not at home, the huge room was empty and too quiet. The lights were not turned on, and it was pitch black everywhere, looking deserted.

    Lu Ang suddenly thought, if there was a child at home at this time, would the lights be bright and warm as fire, would he come chirping like a bird when he came back?

    That scene seems to be a little more lively than it is now.

    He lowered his eyelashes, dragged his body and sat on the sofa, turned on a small light, leaned back, and his mind was blank.

    This season Lu Ang is really tired, the players are all rookies with no competition experience, NSN can achieve this result in addition to the hard work of the players, he also spent a lot of energy.

    This group of children was brought up by him little by little, and it can be said that he taught them hand in hand.

    A few people at the celebration banquet also told him that he will definitely play more steadily next season, that his insignificant development will not be sloppy, and that he will strive to win a Grand Slam in his first year of coaching career.

    Lu Ang's mind was heavy and his thoughts were frozen, and he didn't want to turn at all.

    He sat here and waited for Shen Jia to come back, and fell asleep while waiting.

    Now the person he was waiting for was sitting on his lap, rubbing warm hands gently against his lower abdomen, touching left and right, obviously curious and expectant.

    Lu Ang looked at her gentle eyebrows, a smile slowly appeared in his eyes, and said to her in a hoarse voice, "Jiajia, I don't dislike children, I just haven't adapted yet." But

    if she expects, he likes it.

    Being a parent for the first time, it's normal to feel uncomfortable. Shen Jia lowered her head and kissed Lu Ang's forehead, "Don't worry about Lu Ang, I'm here."

    He was also tired this season, so he could take advantage of his pregnancy to take a good rest.

    But according to Lu Ang's meaning, he can work as a data analyst with Xue when he is not pregnant in the early stage, and he can raise the baby at home when he becomes pregnant later and it is inconvenient to move.

    It is unrealistic for Lu Ang to let go of work completely, he needs a process.

    Shen Jia told Manager Yang about this matter, Lu Ang is pregnant and still can hide it, but in the future the two will always bring out a child, not to mention how to explain it to the fans at that time, the club members alone will not be able to justify it.

    After all, in their eyes, Lu Ang is an Alpha, or the kind with a powerful pheromone that can suppress people.

    Manager Yang only found out that Lu Ang was an Omega two years ago, and he was so startled that the sheep howled for two hours before he calmed down. At that time, he looked at Lu Ang left and right, and couldn't believe this fact.

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