Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Sneakers

    The atmosphere in the instructor's office was unusually quiet.

    Chen Lu sat on the innermost side, and didn't know how to place his hands. From time to time, he sneaked a glance at Yu Shubai who was sitting silently not far away.

    There were some bloodstains on his face, the joints of his hands were slightly blue, and some blood was bruised inside, which looked a little scary.

    But the one who was really scary was Gu Wei who was sitting opposite him, his mouth was obviously bruised and his nosebleed hadn't completely stopped, he was twitching, very pitiful.

    The boy who looked like a sculpture lowered his head in silence for a long time, and when he heard a little movement outside the door, he slowly tightened his palms, clenched his fists, and pressed them against his knees.

    Her dry lips were pursed slightly, and she raised her head to watch the door closely, a little flustered in her eyes.

    When Su Yang came in, he saw Yu Shubai who looked like a puppy falling into the water. His shoes were covered with mud residue, and his hair was still a little damp from the rain.

    "Teacher Qin." Su Yang stood still.

    Alpha's cold voice was very special. Gu Wei, who was trying to secretly block the water flow in his nasal cavity, stopped, turned his head subconsciously, and looked at Yu Shubai's parents in surprise.

    The female Alpha who came in obviously also noticed the people inside.

    Su Yang glanced at him indifferently, the seriousness between his brows did not fade away.

    Gu Wei half held up the blood-stained paper circle, but his face was full of bewilderment.


    Why is Yu Shubai's parent Miss Su Yang?

    "Su Yang?" Teacher Qin raised his eyebrows slightly.

    Su Yang explained: "I'm Yu Shubai's older sister."

    Teacher Qin also met on the way home from class. There was a group of people around the station at the school gate. When he asked, he only knew that someone was fighting.

    One of them was an Alpha, and the other was an undifferentiated pup.

    It was a coincidence that she just caught two students in her class committing crimes.

    Undifferentiated boys are inevitably at a disadvantage in terms of physical strength and common sense, but what Qin Yasong saw was that Gu Wei, an Alpha, was being chased and beaten unilaterally by a kid.

    Yu Shubai had always been quiet and introverted in class. After being caught, his expression remained calm. Only when he mentioned inviting parents did his expression suddenly change.

    Gu Wei is also a difficult person to manage.

    It was only the first few days of school, and something happened. How could Teacher Qin go along with their wishes? These new kids are really itchy.

    "You answer the phone first." Su Yang roughly learned the ins and outs, and he calmed down a lot.

    Teacher Qin nodded as a signal, and strode out of the office door.

    Su Yang stretched out his hand towards Gu Wei, and moved it slightly, "Paper."

    Gu Wei held the half of the paper and put it on her hand securely.

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