Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Perception

    Weicheng University has held the Xicai Cup competition for many years. If we say which one is the most outstanding and memorable, it is probably the 20th competition.

    The Alpha student who won at that time was just a freshman who had just entered the school. Because the Alpha student's ability was very outstanding, the chief of the reserve army who came to inspect the school at that time found out and invited the Alpha student to go to the school. The Reserve Corps watched and studied.

    Since then, there has been a default rule that the first place can have the opportunity to visit the reserve army.

    This also raised the reputation of Weicheng University to a higher level. After all, it is the only university that can directly connect with the reserve army.

    Probably because of the protection of outstanding students, there is almost no personal information about that Alpha left on the school forum.

    But other than that, there are some other gossip news.

    I heard that the Alpha is often accompanied by an Omega, and the relationship is very close. Almost everyone thinks they are a couple.

    After Yu Shubai exited the forum, he turned off the display screen casually.

    The fuzzy news of the false and the real makes people feel upset, especially today there are Gu Wei and himself inquiring like that.

    The boy's lips were straightened, his brows were slightly furrowed, his fingertips unconsciously rubbed the cover of the book, and the small bumps pressed a few marks on the soft fingertips.

    This is a manifestation of his extremely bad mood.

    There was a soft knock at the door, and the boy came back to his senses, and went to open the door.

    Alpha is dressed in business attire, her body lines are clearly outlined by the tight-fitting clothes, she is naturally fair, and her vermilion lips are a little red, adding a layer of color.

    "...Sister Su Yang." Yu Shubai lowered his eyelashes, "Why did you come back so early today?"

    Su Yang leaned on the door panel, tilted his head to look at him, raised his eyebrows, and said, "I have something to do."

    When she came back, she was still a little depressed. Seeing her younger brother's well-behaved appearance now, she just felt very happy, as if everything could go her way.

    Su Yang: "Have you eaten yet?"

    "Not yet."

    Yu Shubai shook his head, his eyes following the overlapping shadows of the two on the ground.

    The boy is a bit taller than her. When he first came here, he was still a bit dark. Probably because Weicheng Fengshui nourished people, his complexion was a lot fairer, and his eyebrows and eyes were handsome. It looks a little immature.

    Su Yang looked up and down, and after careful consideration, he opened his mouth: "Shu Bai, can I treat you to a meal and do my sister a favor?"

    Yu Shubai nodded quickly without any hesitation. look.

    Su Yang raised his eyebrows and joked, "Aren't you afraid that I'll sell you?"

    "I'm not afraid."

    The boy's eyes were full of sincerity, and his words were firm, making it hard for anyone to make any jokes.

    Alpha smiled lightly, stroked the top of his drooping hair, and rubbed it gently. The boy didn't resist at all. Instead, he lowered his head lower, just to make his sister spend less effort in raising her hand.

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