Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Touch

    After walking for a long time yesterday, I rested on the road for half the night. When I reached the bottom of the river, it happened to be early morning.

    This area is very large, and the routes assigned to each team are different, and the boards they walk are also different. Yu Shubai met very few teams on the road, and walked all the way down the river. When it was almost at the end, the road was even more empty and weird. .

    At the end of the river, silt gathers, and the sand is softer, and it is easy to leave footprints when stepped on. Although it is slightly shallow, it can be seen that many people have passed by.

    Not far away is a village with houses gathered together, but there is no smoke from cooking, and no trace of residents coming and going. The wooden door at the entrance is closed, and there is an old tree next to it. Occasionally, the river wind blows, and the branches and leaves are rippling, causing waves.

    It was supposed to be an elegant scenery in the courtyard, but I felt inexplicably terrified because of the silence.

    Chen Lu wiped off a large piece of dirt stuck to the bottom of his feet. After walking for a long time, he was a little exhausted and breathless, and said, "Shu Bai, why is there no one here?" If this place is really the end,

    no Possibly completely empty.

    Gu Wei: "There are footprints along the way, let's go in and have a look."

    Unidentified green plants grow freely by the river, exuding the fragrance of grass, and the waves of the river also carry a subtle and imperceptible smell of water. There are several mixed smells in the coming wind.

    Yu Shubai paused, "It smells a bit strange."

    He felt inexplicably uneasy, and glanced around, looking at the camera not far away, barely suppressing the strange feeling.

    There are very few teams seen along the way. Although this area is huge, it is impossible for so many participating teams to collide with such a low probability. I always feel that something is weird.

    "Let's go." Chen Lu urged.

    As he spoke, he accelerated his pace and walked to the front of the three of them. Since there were not many people in this area, it meant that there might still be a chance to find the points box for the individual competition.

    A defensive wooden door was built outside the village, which should have been made by villagers cutting branches and smoothing them, and only a long piece of wood was used to tie them in the middle, so that outsiders could break in easily.

    Gu Wei casually threw away the wood that fastened the door, patted the sand and stones on his hands, and wondered why the wood on the door was still stained with these things.

    Chen Lu walked in first, and looked around here. He didn't see what he wanted, and he was obviously a little frustrated.

    When he turned his head and walked back, he suddenly saw a wooden stick attacking from behind. He panicked and dodged it, but he still couldn't dodge it. Half of his arm lifted the stick forcefully.

    He made a lot of noise, bumped into a lot of things when he ran away, and when he rushed into a village house, he saw that the house was full of people who had fallen to the ground, so he was frightened and fell silent. The three of them happened to be in the team that fought with them yesterday.

    The dense smell of pheromones radiated from the airtight room, which was mixed and indescribable. The doors and windows were closed, making it difficult to evacuate.

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