Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Marking

    The boy imitated his bad habits, wrapped his hands tightly around Sister Alpha's slender waist, refused to let go, and unscrupulously released pheromones to seduce his Sister Alpha.

    Su Yang was so vulnerable that he almost lost his mind.

    The fine peach smell wrapped around her body, invading her will from every pore, luring her to continue moving down.

    "Yu Shubai." Su Yang asked him, "Do you know what you're doing?" It

    was rare for her to call him by his first and last names so seriously.

    Even though Alpha was fascinated by the strong pheromone and lost her mind several times, her always strong self-control kept her calm at last.

    The Omega hiding in the socket of her neck paused, the eye sockets were covered with shadows, hiding strong and violent emotions.

    He bit Alpha's ear, grinding finely between his teeth, and the tongue coating was wrapped around, like winding vines, clinging to Alpha's body.

    He heard it that day.

    His Alpha sister's conversation with the doctor, but he lied to her and didn't want her to know.

    His Alpha sister doesn't need such a messy Omega.

    He can learn all those skills.

    Omega was so keenly aware of the uncontrollable excitement in the smell of the wine, his eyelids slightly raised, revealing that sacrifice-like determination.

    He said: "I want to be my sister's Omega."

    He didn't want to be chased away, didn't want to be hated by his Alpha sister, and didn't want to give other Omega a chance to seduce her away.

    As long as I become my sister's Omega, these things will not happen.

    The long-hidden darkness of the past quietly appeared in the low light, and Omega's innocent and well-behaved mask was directly revealed behind Alpha's back.

    His Alpha sister is so responsible.

    As long as they have a relationship, she will never abandon him.

    Omega swallowed the faint disappointment in his throat, and hugged Alpha tightly with both hands.

    Alpha grabbed the back of his neck and forced him to leave from the socket of his neck, staring at him with dark eyes, for a long while, then sighed suddenly.


    She murmured, restraining him, forcing him to hang his head, her lips locked on his half-opened lips, and her attack was more violent than that night without lights.

    She gently stroked Omega's tense muscles with the hand resting on the back of her neck, silently laughing at his forced calmness in her heart.

    Even with one experience, Omega is still clumsy and pitiful, doesn't know how to breathe, and forced out a few trivial whimpers.

    Alpha seemed to be benevolent, his lips parted for a moment, and then forcefully took away the breath in his mouth.

    The tip of the tongue wanders in a secret place that no one has ever reached, and the saliva secreted naturally in the mouth overflows when it is too full, rippling in the air, like a broken root, full of ambiguity.

    Alpha bit back the Omega's earlobe punishingly, half-lifted his eyelids, showing a bit of laziness, and rolled his tongue, as if savoring the taste of the food he was biting.

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