Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Lost

    Minister Gu holds an important position, and the Gu family is prominent, so there are naturally many distinguished guests invited to Minister Gu's birthday party.

    The Gu family's old house is located on a piece of land in the northwest corner of the center of Weicheng. This piece of land belongs to the Gu family. The land is large enough, and the decoration of the roof tiles is naturally extraordinarily expensive.

    Glazed lights, sculptures by famous masters, pavilions, corridors and small pavilions in the backyard, gurgling water below, carp playing, it has a special flavor.

    The Gu family has a special parking lot for the guests who come here. There are so many people coming and going, but the seats are not crowded, which shows the grandeur of the Gu family.

    Gu Wei looked upstairs for a long time, but couldn't find the person he was looking for.

    He threw a peanut into his mouth, chewed it with his teeth, scanned it around, heard some movement by his ear, turned his head and saw his father.

    Minister Gu was about to go down, when he saw Gu Wei's unruly actions, his heart choked, "Don't go down in such an unruly manner and embarrass me!

    " Dropped one in my mouth.

    The guests below were all waiting for him to go down, and Minister Gu was not in the mood to quarrel with him, so he asked him: "What about your brother? Minister Sun's daughter will also be here today, let him meet me later." "

    He I'm not interested, so hurry up and give your long speech."

    Gu Wei put all the peanut shells in his pocket, then took out the melon seeds from the other pocket, and gnawed them himself.

    Minister Gu endured it, and when he went downstairs, he had a standard and kind smile on his face.

    Gu Wei listened to his father's blah blah blah, but felt drowsy. He turned his eyes and saw the two people who had come late at the door, and his back suddenly straightened.

    Elder sister Alpha was careless again, she forgot to prepare a tie for her younger brother, and went to the mall temporarily, so she came a bit late.

    She was in a hurry to drive, only to find that her brother's tie was in a mess, and finally she had to ask her for help, so she had to stay at the door for a while.

    The dinner party started, and there was no one outside the door, so Su Yang simply planned to tie a bow tie for him here.

    "Isn't it uncomfortable? Why is it tied so tightly?"

    Alpha's hand just stuck to it, and his fingertips twitched, loosening the tight tie around his neck.

    She had sprayed some perfume on her body when she came, and the smell was not strong. Now that the distance was close, the cold and seductive rose fragrance seemed to take root and planted on the boy's clothes.

    Yu Shubai stood obediently, the dim warm yellow light above his head leaked down from the top, casting a layer of shadows.

    Su Yang couldn't see clearly, she moved her head closer, and straightened the collar for him. In the dim light, she focused on the bow tie in her hand, not knowing that she had accidentally touched the corner of the anti-spill sticker.

    The boy's back went numb, half of his body seemed to be unconscious, and the bag hanging on his arm dangled in mid-air.

    "Is it tight?" Su Yang asked him.

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