Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    On the way back, Yu Shubai sat quietly in the co-pilot, looking sideways at the scenery outside the window.

    Tree shadows fly by, stars flicker, and the light of the city splits him into several parts, and it goes back and forth again and again, and returns to a piece of darkness amidst the interspersed traffic.

    When they got home, the person sitting in the co-pilot had their eyelids closed and was breathing evenly.

    Su Yang gently pushed him, woke him up, and lingered for a long time before returning to the room.

    The smell of wine was taken away by the wind when he came back, and it has faded a lot, but the peach scent covered by the alcohol has gradually become stronger.

    The banquet wasn't over yet, but something happened right after Su Yang left.

    Minister Sun was beaten badly in the back room of the bathroom, his nose was bruised and his eyes were swollen, and his glasses were completely shattered. When asked about the details, he couldn't explain clearly.

    This incident was a big one, but Minister Sun also had to face it. Only the Gu family knew the inside story of the one who walked through the back door.

    After all, Gu Wei discovered this person.

    Su Yang edited the message back to him, and told him not to talk about it.

    After all, Minister Sun is a member of the federal government, so I don't know if this matter has something to do with his enemies.

    If she didn't know that Gu Jing was not such a person, she would have wondered if he did it.

    After this incident, Minister Gu's idea of ​​a marriage that just came up has come to naught.

    In any case, this happened in Gu's family, so it's a blessing not to have any enmity.

    The wind is stronger tonight, and the windows shake from time to time, making a little noise, and the curtains by the windows flutter in the air.

    Su Yang glanced at the huddled man on the bed, went there and closed the window.

    I don't know if he had some kind of nightmare, the boy frowned, a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he tightly pressed his lips together in a circle.

    Su Yang saw that something was wrong with his face, put the phone on his table, and pressed the back of his hand to his forehead.

    It's a little hot.

    After the window was closed, the air in the room was not very well ventilated, and the sweet peach smell became stronger.

    Alpha's glands seemed to feel the tempting smell first, and the body's reaction was prior to consciousness.

    The younger brother's differentiation period has been advanced, and no matter how stupid the older sister is, she will know that it is probably because his pheromones have leaked.

    Su Yang took a deep breath, dragged the quilt to the boy's body indiscriminately, and temporarily left the room with his mobile phone.

    Her mind was a little confused, and she didn't know how to deal with it for a while, so she had to call the doctor for consultation in desperation.     As soon as the call was connected, Su Yang went straight to the topic: "How come the pheromones

    will come out even after the anti-spill stickers are pasted?"

High." The doctor yawned, "Su Yang, can you go to bed early. Going to bed early will help your pheromones stabilize, and it will also help my normal work tomorrow." Su Yang felt wronged and disturbed his sleep

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