Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    Su Yang waited for Yu Shubai to fall asleep before leaving the ward.

    After dealing with the affairs of the day, even the iron body can hardly hide a little tiredness.

    She has only been focusing on the competition for the past few days, but she forgot to sign the contract. Secretary Yun sent another message to remind her.

    He might as well go to Gu's house in a few days to check on Gu Wei's situation. Minister Gu's birthday is coming up, and Gu Jing should be at home, so he can take it to sign by the way.

    Su Yang calculated his itinerary, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to confirm.

    Two people inside and outside a door are bothering about things.

    For the first time, the well-behaved younger brother completely deceived sister Alpha, and it turned out to be what he wanted, but Yu Shubai couldn't fall asleep peacefully.

    On the one hand, he felt guilty about what he had done, fearing that he would be rejected by others after his double-faced slashing was exposed, and on the other hand, he was obsessed with the desired result of such behavior and the sympathy of Alpha sister.

    A good student learns badly for the first time, but still does it well. Among them, he uses his skills properly, just like a natural acting school.

    The fruit obtained in this improper way is intoxicating. Once the bad method has been started, it is difficult to stop completely.

    Yu Shubai curled up slightly, and hid his earlobe under the blanket. The skin touched by Alpha's sister was still warm. He was afraid that the wind would blow away the feeling quickly, and he wished he could stay there for a long time. place.

    Just don't let my sister know.

    Once the idea came out, I couldn't stop it.

    After a while, the boy silently cast aside himself as if he had given up struggling.

    Why is he so bad.


    Su Yang bought a lot of supplements for his younger brother to feed. Yu Shubai was in good health, worked all year round, and didn't feel any major obstacles. He returned home after a short stay in the hospital.

    Gu Wei was carefully raised in Gu's family, and he had recovered his energy and spirit early on.

    Although the competition was unexpectedly suspended and there was no result, the school still rewarded the two of them for their actions.

    At the morning meeting, the whole school gathered, and the leaders on the stage made a statement and commended their actions.

    It was mostly general words of praise, Yu Shubai was not in his mind, so naturally he didn't listen to much, what was on his mind was the gift that hadn't been given, and he didn't know how to give it better.

    "Go up." Gu Wei patted him on the shoulder to help him regain his senses.

    Today, his hair is combed brightly and fixed behind his head, his waist is straight and straight, like a peacock showing its might.

    Yu Shubai didn't like such an occasion, but he had no choice but to go this way because of the school's request.

    He has grown whiter since he was hospitalized. He is tall and straight, with excellent body proportions, well-proportioned facial features, and clear outlines, which immediately grabbed Yang Yang's attention.

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