Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    When Su Yang got up, he asked for leave for Yu Shubai.

    It wasn't until noon that the people in the room slowly woke up, their eyes were bleary, and when they came back to their senses, they found that he was alone on the bed.

    Even the estrus caused by the differentiation period is no different from Omega's estrus. Last night, Alpha did not give any pheromones, but just massaged his hot glands. The meaning mixed in this behavior is clear and straightforward .

    For their own Omega, Alpha will not be stingy with the comfort of pheromones, not to mention high-level Omega pheromones are strong, which is extremely attractive to Alphas, and Alphas who can sit still are either glandular damage or extreme restraint .

    What else could be so resolute, except that Alpha dislikes and extremely excludes the Omega in his arms?

    "Are you awake?" Su Yang heard the movement in the room, approached and opened the door.

    Yu Shubai knelt on the bed, wrapped his long fingers around the soft quilt, and met the people outside the door.

    There was tiredness between his eyebrows, his eyes were dim, and his whole body was mixed with depression.

    Sister Alpha's heart softened, she walked up to him, rubbed his messy hair, and said warmly: "What's wrong?"

    Yu Shubai

    lowered his eyelids, and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry." Pale, she said again: "I've caused trouble for my sister again."

    "No." Su Yang's eyes were gentle, "Go and eat."

    There was only the crisp sound of bowls and chopsticks touching ceramics on the dining table, and the two People remained silent in an unusually tacit understanding.

    Su Yang was worried about his health, so he took his younger brother to the hospital after dinner.

    The doctor gave Yu Shubai a systematic examination and explained to him what needs attention.

    It was inconvenient for Alpha to stand inside, so he consciously stepped outside.

    It didn't take long for the doctor to come out from inside. He was wearing a white coat with his hands in his pockets, and the mask covered most of his face, except for the contempt in his eyes.

    I don't know what he saw when he checked.

    "You can't?" His tone was slightly sarcastic.

    The Omega's glands were slightly red and swollen, but there was no lingering smell of Alpha's pheromone. When asked what happened last night, the newly differentiated Omega lowered his eyes and remained silent, apparently with a bit of resistance in his attitude.

    Seeing his expression, the doctor guessed something.

    During the first estrus period, she was rejected by Alpha, who was highly matched and happy. After using this method to relieve her, she refused to give any pheromone. It is no wonder that Omega himself is taciturn.

    The wooden branch in Alpha's hand snapped in two with a crisp sound.


    The doctor's words were still so sharp, and I don't know how Gantang could bear such a boyfriend.

    She endured it, and asked him: "How is he?"

    The doctor strode forward, "It's not good."

    Su Yang: "Be clear."

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