Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 Want to Eat Peach (Add more)

    There were not many ingredients left at home, so Su Yang drove his brother directly to the supermarket.

    There are a variety of products on the shelf, Su Yang rarely comes here to shop by himself, just watching Yu Shubai skillfully pick out the vegetables for tonight's dinner.

    The female president who handles the company's affairs freely on weekdays now lacks a somewhat versatile filter, and on the contrary looks more real.

    Yu Shubai didn't want her to wait too long, so he picked out the ingredients quickly, and then pushed the cart back to her side.

    Su Yang: "Okay?"

    The boy nodded, pushed his things to the front desk to pay.

    Alpha accompanied him back to the place where the car was placed. She got into the car first. The person who put things in the trunk did not return to the seat immediately. No one was there.

    The boy ran in a hurry, and when he came back, he was holding something in his hand. After getting into the co-pilot, he solemnly handed it to her.

    He was panting slightly, his chest heaved up and down, and his forehead was covered with sweat, but his eyes were focused and serious, as if they were shining.

    "...the rose in the room has withered." Yu Shubai said, "This is the flower promised to my sister." The

    light blue pure color paper wrapped the watery and elegant rose inside, champagne tone, in the car Under the dim light in the interior, the soft cream color is contrasted, and the light-colored halo is like a handful of snow on the pine forest, covered with the dry green of the mountains, embellished with a new sweetness.

    There is a flower shop near this supermarket. Yu Shubai has visited it several times, so he knows it by heart.

    "Very beautiful." Su Yang praised without hesitation.

    Alpha took the flower, leaned over and wrapped it around the back of his neck with one hand, and pressed the ball of his thumb on his cramped Adam's apple.

    Her eyelids drooped, her eyes rolled with thick ink, and she gently kissed his trembling eyelashes.

    No wonder she just suggested going out for dinner. He said he wanted to go home to eat, but after making a decision, he mentioned that the ingredients at home were gone and he needed to go to the supermarket.

    Was it meant to give away these ten champagne roses?

    Memories automatically came to mind, and the peach fragrance in the car seemed to have not dissipated, lingering in the nostrils.

    Alpha sighed silently.

    What should I do.

    She kind of wants to eat peaches.


    I was delayed on the road for a long time, and when I came back, I took a shower and packed my things, it was already a bit late.

    When Su Yang came out of the bathroom, Yu Shubai had already prepared meals.

    The meal at her seat has been served thoughtfully, and the bowls and chopsticks are neatly arranged, just waiting for her to sit down and eat.

    The boy sat across from her, his sitting posture was regular and upright, he didn't even take a bite of the food on the table, he only waited for her to come, and then had dinner together.

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