Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Ears

    Before Gu Junzhuo opened the door, he could only see Alpha's back from the transparent glass cube, but it could be seen that the two were very close.

    But the captain explained the situation to her, and she wouldn't mess with the captain's cp.

    So I didn't think too much before entering the door, but after she came in, the atmosphere was weird.

    Gu Junzhuo couldn't tell why it was strange.

    The people on the hospital bed were eating quietly, and the Alpha on the side of the hospital bed was silent, and did not do anything else, just accompanied the patient to eat in silence.

    Obviously, it looks like a quiet time.

    Gu Junzhuo suddenly got stuck, probably because she was poor in words and couldn't find any other good words to replace her, so she used the wrong idioms indiscriminately.


    "If you pull the curtain again, you will tear it down."

    There was a voice behind her. Gu Junzhuo was distracted for a long time, but she didn't react for a while. The muscle memory of physical exercise made her quickly make a judgment, and swung her arm back fiercely. .

    Su Yang suddenly staggered, hit her backhand, unloaded her chest, then clamped her forearm, pulled back, Gu Junzhuo habitually lost his center of gravity, and fell into her arms.

    The person on the hospital bed froze for a moment, put the spoon back into the bowl, and his dark eyes stared at the junction of their arms without blinking.

    His eyes fell on Gu Junzhuo who had just recovered.

    With a bit of inexplicable vigilance.

    In the team, Su Yang likes to deal with them like this, to exercise their muscle memory, just in case, this will really come in handy, but it's the wrong person.

    "I said to keep both hands together, why is it the same after so long, lazy?"

    Su Yang let go of her hand and helped her to stand still.

    Gu Junzhuo's face collapsed, and he looked at her helplessly, "I'm really not."

    "Go outside." Su Yang raised his chin, "I'll ask you something."

    "You eat first." After she finished speaking to Yu Shubai, she led Gu Junzhuo out of the ward.

    The boy looked at the closed door and absently stirred the food in the bowl, losing his appetite immediately.

    "Captain, what's the matter?"

    Su Yang glanced at her and asked her, "How are the other students doing?"

    Gu Junzhuo truthfully explained: "It's nothing serious, they all got some blood drawn, not a lot , there is no danger, but I don’t know what induced the pheromone, a group of people stayed together, and each of them was affected a little bit, but it’s not a big problem, don’t worry.” Su Yang: “Have you found out about the surveillance

    ? Gu

    Junzhuo nodded, "It was replaced by someone, and the school is still investigating who it is." The

    Akakush star's action appeared suddenly, and no one expected that he would suddenly hook up with the school's competition. If there is really some other hidden trouble in the school, I'm afraid there will be a careful review.

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