Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Dispute

    After the school conducted a simple speech mobilization and the opening ceremony, it sent all the contestants to the competition venue by special car.

    The first is field training.

    The school attaches great importance to this competition. Naturally, the layout of the venue also requires some thought. There are cameras everywhere in the venue, and a large-scale suspended camera is also installed.

    Viewers in the school can see the real-time situation on the field from the screened live camera, and the two reserve army officers who accompanied them can also observe every move of the students in the temporary base.

    The light in the base is bright, and the real-time broadcast images of various cameras are displayed on the big screen.

    Alpha glanced around subconsciously, found a familiar face in the chaotic crowd, and paused there for two seconds.

    On the screen is a young boy with a good-looking appearance. He looks a little sharp and cold on the outside, but there is a hint of immaturity in those bright eyes.

    He didn't know what was in his pocket. The first reaction to the fall was not to look at his wound, but to subconsciously touch his pocket, as if to confirm that the thing was still there. When he stretched out his palm at that time, the indifferent eyes, A little tenderness was born.

    This movement was accidentally caught by the person next to him.

    Right now there are only the two of them here, and Gu Junzhuo didn't restrain himself, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Captain, do you know him?"

    Su Yang raised his eyelids slightly, and turned his head to look at her. At my place, just to help his mother take care of it."

    It's a pity that she didn't buy a pair of glasses as an accessory to hang on the bridge of her nose, otherwise she could also learn Song Yishu's gentle and scum-like pretentious posture.

    Raising his wrist, touching the gold-rimmed glasses frame with his fingertips, his tone of voice is also casual, and he looks quite imposing.

    Then he repeated the key phrases in the captain's words, "Borrow?"

    "Damn, you really live with my sister?" Gu Wei snapped the branch he was playing with with a snap.

    He just said that something was wrong when he returned from the military museum that day. He wanted to send Yu Shubai back first, and then spend some alone time to get some news from sister Su Yang, but he didn't expect that sister Su Yang would say something to him, are they together?

    The team received basic medical equipment before departure. Yu Shubai briefly treated the broken skin, closed the lid, and put the box back into the backpack.

    Yu Shubai pulled down his shirt: "Chen Lu is back."

    Gu Wei still wanted to ask more questions, but when he saw someone coming, he didn't mention it again, and just looked at Yu Shubai fiercely, and moved away. Move your butt and sit farther away.

    "They've already left." Chen Lu swept the dust from the protruding area of ​​the tree roots, propped it up with one hand, and sat down firmly on it.

    He just went to the nearby small river to wash his face. Except for the dirty dust on his face, he saw that the team that had just clashed with them had gone away by the river, and he felt a little more at ease.

    People in these military systems are really unreasonable, and they will do anything if they disagree.

    Fortunately, Gu Wei and Yu Shubai were strong enough to prevent them from succeeding.

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