Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Wipe

    When Su Yang came out of his younger brother's room, his body smelled of wet peaches.

    The large swaths of red on her neck, because of her delicate and fair skin, are like dots of red ink stained on a white scroll.

    His hands were also sore for a while.

    She went back to her room, took off her pajamas, and went straight to the bathroom.

    Cold water rushed down from the top of Alpha's head, the coolness meandered from the face to the soles of the feet, and the peach smell accumulated in the nasal cavity was also replaced by the coolness.

    There are faint marks on Alpha's shoulders to the earballs, and there are some faint red marks on the waist due to the unknowingly increased strength of his younger brother, which looks especially ambiguous.

    She opened her five fingers slightly, and against the flow of water, she pulled back her long hair that fell in front of her eyes. Small drops of water rolled down her face, blurring the contours of her facial features.

    Alpha's upright reflection was printed on the wall, and Alpha's long fingers rested on the collarbone, silently rubbing away the sticky touch that hadn't been washed off.

    The abnormally active glands on the back of the neck were also restored to calm by the cold water, and fell into silence again.

    Su Yang took a longer shower than usual, and she didn't know how long she stood under the water. She probably felt that her head had finally calmed down, so she turned off the water cooler with one hand.

    She wiped the water from her face, pulled out a towel from the side, wiped it on her body indiscriminately, and sucked up the remaining moisture. When she raised her hand and put it back, her arm paused slightly.

    Different from the past, Yu Shubai lives here now, so his things will definitely be in the bathroom.

    The two red and blue towels hanging above were specially placed in the farthest corners because they were afraid that their belongings would come into contact with Su Yang.

    In this row of shelves, there is a large space in the middle, the outermost ones are Su Yang's towels, and the innermost ones are Yu Shubai's.

    In the past, Su Yang wouldn't have cared about such trivial things as accidentally using the wrong brother's towel, but now his brother has split into an Omega.

    ...something like this happened not too long ago.

    Su Yang always felt that something was inappropriate.

    She was holding Yu Shubai's towel in her hand, and the fire that had just gone down came up again inexplicably.

    Alpha's phalanges were slightly tensed, clutching the velvet blue scarf, frowned, walked to the faucet, turned on cold water, and rinsed carefully underneath.

    When she came out, she was not in a hurry to go back to her room. Seeing her brother's closed door, she was a little worried, so she opened the door and went in to have a look.

    I opened the window before going out, and it was windy in the middle of the night, and the smell inside had almost dissipated, but I could still smell a faint smell of soft peaches, and my brother still smelled of alcohol.

    Xu felt that it was hot, but just now Su Yang had dropped a section of the thin quilt that had covered him tightly, and half of the quilt was missing. At this moment, the wind was strong, and his brother was curled up inside, like a half-cooked shrimp.     There were still half-drooped teardrops on his eyelashes, and he trembled slightly as he breathed, as if he was on the verge of falling. He had unknowingly torn off a few buttons of his shirt, hanging on his body with difficulty.     I sweated a lot just now, and some of it has been dried by the wind automatically on my skin, but the traces are still there. The sticky feeling and the mixed smell on my body made the people on the bed hate the extra layer of bedding, but the cold at night made me feel uncomfortable. He shrank into a ball hanging out of the quilt.     The light was dim, but when Su Yang covered him back with the thin quilt, he could still vaguely see the tear stains on his face.     She suddenly thought of the towel huddled far away in the corner, and her younger brother's trembling sobs.     I don't know if it was because he suddenly found out that his body was abnormal on such an occasion today, so he felt extremely embarrassed, so he avoided the crowd, but because he refused to trouble her, he kept silent.     It's not surprising that when she saw him, it was near the bathroom with few people coming and going, and her hair was still wet and stained with water.     I'm afraid I went to the bathroom, I don't want to affect other people.     Su Yang flicked the ends of his hair, brushing the hair around his eyes back, remembering what happened to Minister Sun tonight.     She looked at her younger brother's hand on the side of her face, and suddenly felt a sense of dread.

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