new students

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School was probably Ryder Miller's favorite place to be at the moment. Not because she liked learning, it definitely wasn't because of her friends, cause god knows she lacked in that department. School was the only place Ryder could go to get judged by people she couldn't care less about. Getting judged by her parents was something she couldn't handle, but getting judged by Lydia Martin and her goons seemed to be something she looked forward to. It was the only normal thing she had going for her. The day Lydia stopped being a bitch was the day Ryder was convinced that pigs could fly. If Lydia Martin miraculously decided that she wanted to play nice, Ryder wouldn't know what to do with her life.

As she walks onto the school campus, her eyes narrow slightly as she tosses her burned cigarette off to the side, making sure she stepped on it. Her brown eyes move around as she notices people she hasn't seen since freshman year.

Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. As far as she's concerned, the pair have been best friends for quite a while. Ryder never really bothered to converse with the two, but that was only because she was sure they were part of the people that believed anything that came out of Lydia's mouth.

The strawberry blonde took it upon herself to inform everyone that she tried to get with all of her guy friends. Granted, that wasn't true, it still hurt that Lydia hated her enough to come up with something so bad that no one wanted to befriend her. There were very few people that went out of their way to talk to her, such as Erica Reyes and occasionally Isaac Lahey. But Ryder knew that they only spoke to her because they were just as disliked as she was. She wasn't aware that the two teens found an odd sense of comfort from being in her presence, she just assumed they did it out of pity.

Her eyes then moved to Danny Māhealani, the boy locking eyes with her before he quickly glances back to his friend Jackson Whittemore, not wanting the blue eyed bully to notice his attention was on her. Any time his friends spoke cruelly of her, Danny did his best to defend the girl, all while trying to not look too suspicious. Ryder and Danny were far from being friends, but they two did manage to become unlikely acquaintances after having to be partners for a project that they had in freshman year.

Walking on the sidewalk, the girl failed to notice the shouts of a certain classmate. Her eyes rolling in annoyance when her bags gets tugged on. Turning quickly, she smiles falsely as her brown eyes lock on Lydia's green ones.

"Goodmorning, Lydia. Don't you think it's a little too early to be tormenting me?"

"Don't you think it's a little too early to be killing your lungs?" Lydia shoots back quickly.

Ryder sighs, "I had to prepare myself for the stress I just know you're going to cause me today."

"Have you had your morning cup of kidney killer?" The girl asks, her manicured hands moving to her hips.

"No, I plan on sneaking that into the first period. You promise not to tell?"

"As long as you promise not to seduce my boyfriend."

"Which one is that? I can't seem to keep track of which one you're dating and which one you're having sex with behind Justin's back."

"His name is Jackson." Lydia cuts in, her cheeks growing red with anger.

Ryder taps her head in faux remembrance, "Right. I forgot."

Lydia scoffs, her friends waiting patiently for her to rebuttal, her head shaking as she rolls her eyes at the brunette in front of her.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to class. It was nice seeing you."


Austin George was plenty of things.

Smart? Yeah. Nice? He thought so. Attractive? Sure.

One thing he refused to be was a bully. He hated anyone that went out of their way to belittle others. That was part of the reason why he had to move schools.

Pulling into his new school, he prayed he wouldn't have to explain to anyone why he was suddenly showing up. He knew Beacon Hills was a small town, which meant they had very few new people. He knew people were nosy and would do anything in their power to get him to spill. At first glance, he wouldn't seem like a fighter, but if it came down to it, he knew how to defend himself and others.

The boy lets out an anxious sigh as he grabs his bag and the extra jacket his mom forced him to bring in case he got cold. He stops shortly when he notices a girl on the phone, he waits for her to finish her conversation before taking a seat near her, not too close, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"Hi." She smiles nervously, "I'm Allison."

He perks up at her voice, "I'm Austin, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm assuming you're waiting on the vice principal?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm new."

"Me too." She chuckles.

"Austin, Allison?"

"Yes, sir." Austin answers, putting his hand out for the man to shake. Allison frowns in confusion before standing up also, sending a friendly nod to the man.

"Follow me."


"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night." Stiles sends an excited look to his friend, not going unnoticed by the girl behind him.

"And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester."

Ryder sat in the back of the class, closest to the window. Her feet propped up on the back of Stiles Stilinski's chair, the seat next to her being empty. Her nails tapped against the desk in a rhythmic pattern, she failed to notice how Stiles bopped his head to the sound. The students' attention turned to the sound of a knock on the door, two people they had never seen before walking into the room, the vice principal not too far behind them.

"Class these are our new students Allison Argent and Austin George. Please do your best to make them feel welcomed."

The class is silent as the two stand in front of them. Allison is a lot more fidgety than Austin is. In fact, the boy seemed to be radiating confidence as he looked around at his fellow classmates. His eyes falling on the back row of the classroom, two seats near a brunette girl being empty. He nudges Allison softly, gesturing to the chairs, seeing that she had not seen them.

Austin moved past everyone, sending a curt nod to the boy with a buzzcut, ignoring the winced look he got when he chose to sit next to the girl with the piercings. He sighed softly when he sat down, politely smiling at anyone who looked in his direction, which seemed to be everyone in the class. Except for the girl he chose to sit next to.

As the teacher resumes speaking, Austin couldn't help but look over to the girl who begins her rhythmic taps again. He chuckles to himself, seeing as it looked like she didn't even realize she was doing it.

"I'm Austin." He whispers, quickly catching how she tensed when he spoke to her. Her tapping continues, he frowns when she doesn't respond, assuming she didn't hear, he speaks up again, "What's your–?"

"Please stop talking."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

Ryder sighs, glancing out the window.


"She's not going to talk to you man. Don't waste your time." Stiles says, tilting his head to the side so the two could hear him.

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