mccall's a werewolf?

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Apparently Scott succeeded in dislocating Jackson's shoulder.

Was Ryder upset? Absolutely not. But the girl was a bit curious as to how he managed to do that.

She wasn't going to snoop into Scott's personal life, because she didn't really care enough to do that. But if she happened to stumble upon something suspicious, she wouldn't hesitate to find out more information.

The rest of the school day was as calm as it could get with everyone talking about Scott hurting Jackson.

It was getting boring. Jackson got hurt, big deal. Not.

If anything, Ryder thought it was hilarious that Jackson got hurt, now they wouldn't have to worry about Jackson being a complete ass for the week.


Oh, how wrong she was.

Friday came quickly, and the chattering got worse. Scott, of so suddenly, didn't want to participate in Saturday's game.

The girl sat in her math class and sat Austin in the desk behind her. She could faintly hear the sound of Lydia scolding Scott for not wanting to play in the lacrosse game.

"Why is there a rumor going around that you're not playing tomorrow?"

Scott glances at her, "Cause I'm sort of not."

Lydia scoffs, "I think you sort of are. Especially when you brutally injure my boyfriend by ramming into him."

"He brutally injured himself ramming into me." The McCall snaps.

Austin leans forward, tapping Ryder's shoulder.

"Are you going to the game?" He whispers to her.

Ryder leans back to answer him, "Are you?"

He shrugs, "I was planning on it. But if you aren't going then—"

"I'll go." She whispers back, her eyes facing the front, not wanting to get caught talking by the teacher. She could hear the boy clear his throat before he leant forward again.

"M- Maybe after the game we can go get ice cream?"

His heart pounded in his chest as he awaited her answer. Austin didn't know if she was as comfortable with him and she was with her, and that saddened him a bit.

"Sure." She whispered back after a few seconds of thinking, "As long as you pick something good this time."

Austin chuckles to himself, shaking his head with a smile. The two fall silent as they watch Scott finish the problem on the board. They didn't even realize that Lydia was sat back in the seat next to Austin.

The teen boy jolted slightly at the feeling of a high heeled shoe rubbing against his leg. His calm expression fades into an angered one as he glances over at Lydia.

The strawberry blonde sends him a flirty look, the look dropping into a more embarrassed one as the boy pulls away and reaches his hands forward to fiddle with Ryder's hair that had fallen on his desk.

He can hear Lydia scoff, but chooses to ignore it and focus on the not so date he had just planned with the girl in front of him.


Austin leant up against the locker next to Ryder's as he listened to the girl speak. He had to stand a little closer than normal due to how soft her voice was.

"And i was thinking about dyeing my hair blonde. The brunette's not really working for me."

"I think it looks good." The compliment came out so quickly that she almost didn't catch it.

She smiles softly, her cheeks warming up, "Thank you, Austin."

Their attention falls on the not so inconspicuous Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. The pair of friends were hiding behind the corner as they watched the Sheriff.

Ryder couldn't help but roll her eyes as Stiles demanded that Scott told him what his dad was saying. She was closer to the man than he was and she couldn't even put together what was being said.

"You see that?" She questions Austin, "That's the weird shit i'm talking about."

"Doesn't it make you feel awkward? That they know something that no one else does?"

He watches the girl shrug, "I don't really care. Obviously it's a little odd that Scott randomly got good at lacrosse when he could barely lift a stick last year. He was also really thin and now he suddenly has muscles."

Austin watches her brows furrow in thought.

"Maybe he's a werewolf." She chuckled out.

Her words were said as a joke, but the way Scott snapped his head in her direction had the duo thinking that maybe she was on the right track.


"She knows." Scott cuts Stiles off from his rambling.


"Ryder knows." He whispers harshly.

Stiles discreetly glances over at the girl who was speaking with Austin, "Ryder knows what?"

"She knows that I'm a werewolf. She just said it."

The Stilinski's eyes widen as he looks between his friend and the girl leaning against the lockers.

"Okay, there's no need to worry. She's just assuming. There's no way she'd know that, alright? Ryder's a smart girl, okay? But i guarantee that's there's absolutely no way she'd know that you're a werewolf."


"It's definitely possible." Austin says, "I don't really know the kid, but it is a little weird that he's doing acrobatics in lacrosse, especially if he's known to have asthma."

"We sound so stupid."

"You don't believe in that stuff?" He smirks, "The supernatural is a very interesting topic."

"I'm aware, i've read about it." She admits, "But Scott McCall of all people being a supernatural creature? Id think Isaac Lahey was a werewolf before thinking it was Scott."

The boy tilts his head in agreement, "It could explain why Allison's dad is trying to kill him."

The girl takes a minute to respond before turning towards him.

"Argent." Ryder sighs out.


"Allison Argent."

Austin shakes his head, hoping the girl would elaborate, "We've established her last name?"

"Argent means Silver in French." She explains, "If Allison's dad is a werewolf hunter, and he tried killing Scott, then McCall might actually be a werewolf."

Austin hums with a nod, "That's interesting."


Stiles walked away from his friend after reassuring him that everything was going to be okay. He managed to catch the last bit of the conversation that Austin and Ryder had. His eyes were wide as he made eye contact with the taller boy across the hall.


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