finding the wolf

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Austin had been spending the last five minutes writing in his notebook, making sure to include any and all information and details he could remember about Ryder's abilities, sometimes even asking her if he got something right.

He was blissfully unaware of the doe like eyes that followed his every facial movement with adoration.

Every time his eyes would make a movement to scan over the page, every small twitch of his lips, the furrow of his eye brows, she noticed it.

Every so often she would let an unwanted wince take over her own features, her ears being extremely sensitive to the sound of Coach Finstock's whistle.

"Hey." Austin whispered, keeping in mind how she told him a few minutes prior that she didn't like how loud everything was. "You doing okay?"

"I'm fine." She nodded, keeping her response short before her attention was moving to the field. Austin could tell that she was interested in knowing what Scott and Stiles were planning.

The pair had spotted the Stilinski teen run off a couple of minutes ago to do God knows what.

"You know, I don't want to pressure you, but do you think you could try and listen in?" He questioned, "Maybe it could help you learn."

She smiles unexpectedly, "You want me to eaves drop? You? Mr. 'all about kindness and peace'?"

"You're teasing me." He concludes, nodding his head with a with a soft sigh.

"Well, yeah." She chuckles, his eyes lighting up at the sound, "You're practically a goodie two shoes. I would not expect that you would want me to listen in on someone else's conversation.

"I'm still doing something good." He nudged her shoulder playfully, "I'm trying to help you, i don't really care if they get the short end of the stick. Their conversation probably isn't all that interesting anyway."

Ryder looked up at him with a soft smile, her eyes closing as he placed a soft hand on her cheek before he connected their lips with a short peck, pulling away with a quick, "Go ahead."

She couldn't help it that butterflies filled her stomach.

"I'm going to need you to stop doing that."

"Stop doing what?" He smirked, his eyes glancing back and forth between hers, "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

She shook her head, "No."

"Then why would I stop?"

Ryder could only look at him with a squint, him
following along with her action, except he kept a small smile on his face.

He was getting a lot more bold with his actions towards her lately, she could admit that she liked this version of him.

Not that she didn't enjoy the more shy, hesitant version of him, because she loved knowing she could make him nervous, but it was fun being the one who got bashful every once in a while:

Regrouping her thoughts, she focuses all of her attention on the sitting lacrosse players, just in time for Stiles to run  back up to Scott, who was waiting patiently for his friend to return.

"I told coach you're switching with Danny for the day."

"But I hate playing goal."

"Remember when I said I had an idea? This is the idea."


"There we go."

"What's the idea?"

"I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes."

"Scott's switching positions with Danny." She informed the blue eyed teen sitting next to her.

Austin frowns, "Probably not the best way to word it. Why?"

"Stiles mentioned earlier that there was a new beta. Maybe he's trying to get close enough to find out who it is." The blonde shrugged.

"Huh." Austin hums, "Do you think it's him?"

Ryder follows his finger, eyes narrowing before she shakes her head, "No, that's Greenburg. If there's anyone that's least likely to be a werewolf, it would probably be him."

The two let out second hand winces in unison, leaning back as they watched one of the lacrosse players get slammed down by Scott.

"McCall!" Coach yells.

Scott looks up at the man, "Yeah?"

"Usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal."

"Yes, coach."

"Let's try it again."


After a few minutes of listening to Coach continuously repeat himself to Scott, Ryder had gotten bored with hearing the same thing over and over again.

While Austin's decided to watch the practice, the Miller girl took to glance around aimlessly.

She let herself get lost in her thoughts while watching others.

She could only think about how she's been a werewolf for less than two days and she's doing a lot better than she thought she would. She didn't know if that was because of her mom already being a wolf, and she just easily adapted to the situation, or if she was just better than most at learning things.

Either way, she was proud of herself, which didn't seem to happen very often.

She had spoken with her mother that morning before she left for school. The only advice she could give her was to stay as close as possible to Austin, especially when she wasn't 'feeling like herself'.

Now, Ryder Miller was no idiot.

She had figured out fairly quick, that being last night, that there was a huge possibility that Austin was her anchor. There was only a two percent chance that he wasn't.

The only way she would find out for sure is when the full moon comes in a few weeks.


"It's Isaac."

"What?" Austin turned, his eyes widening at the sight of the police.

"Isaac's the wolf."


"Isaac's the wolf."

Scott's head snapped on the direction of the voice.

Did Ryder know?

'Ryder?' He spoke under his voice, wanting to ensure that he was correct.

He saw her head then towards him. His brown eyes grew large, he shook his head slightly,

'Don't say anything.'

He saw her head tilt. He knew she would keep quiet about it. Well, for the most part, he knew she wouldn't keep much from the boy sitting next to her.

So that's why Stiles asked if the werewolf's scent was feminine.

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