lydia's party

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The last thing Ryder wanted to see when walking into a party was Lydia Martin and her boyfriend feeling each other up against the wall.

It was disgusting. She hated it. And she hated them.

The girl managed to narrowly avoid bumping into anyone, not wanting to cause any problems. She decided that she'd spend her time next to the drinks in hopes of avoiding any unwanted conversations. However, that didn't last long,

"Hey, Ryder."

The girl internally rolls her eyes, speaking up without looking at him, "Stiles."

"I didn't know you would be here." The Stilinski started with a chuckle, "Last time I checked, parties weren't really your thing."

"Well, we haven't talked in nearly five years, I wouldn't assume you know much about me." She snaps back, her eyes moving around the room in boredom.

"Right." Stiles clears his throat, "I'm sorry about that."

She doesn't respond.

Stiles sighs softly, brows furrowing in thought, "Hey—"

Her annoyed groan cuts him off, the teen boy standing up straight.

"I know, I'm sorry. But— I-I just remembered something." He starts, "I remembered that in sixth grade you had this weird obsession with the supernatural world—?"

"That was fifth grade." She corrects.

"Right, sorry." He quickly apologizes, "Um— what do you... know about it exactly?"

Ryder side eyes him, scoffing softly before moving to grab a drink.

"Maybe a lot, maybe a little. Either way, why the hell would I tell you?"

Stiles shrugs, "Because we're friends—"

"We are not friends. Far from it, actually. You made that clear when you dropped me for some fake strawberry blonde who doesn't even care to look in your direction."

Her word's definitely stung him, hiding his wince as he spoke.

Or tried to.


"Ryder, hey!" A more enthusiastic voice says, successfully cutting Stiles off and leaving him in an awkward position.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. My mom needed help with putting away groceries and then I had to—"

"It's fine. I was thinking about leaving anyway."

"What? Why?" Austin frowns, not giving her a chance to respond before his eyes are moving behind her, "Hey, I'm Austin."

"Stiles." The buzzcut teen introduced.


"Yeah, I know. It's weird, but it's a nickname."

Austin nods, growing uninterested, "Got it." His blue eyes travel to the girl in front of him, dropping his voice to a whisper as he spoke to her, "Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, I don't want to be in here anymore." She says. Her voice was soft, sending a wave of confusion through Stiles, who she was just angry at not too long ago.

"That's okay." He reassures, taking the — more than half empty — alcoholic drink from her and placing it on the table, "We can go outside."

Stiles watches the two walk away, an odd sense of wonder going throughout him.

Who the hell was this Austin kid, and why was Ryder so comfortable around him?

He watches as the two run into Scott. His frown deepening when his friend shoves Ryder out of the way.

Ryder scoffs, pushing Scott back as her gaze falls to his hands, Stiles following the action, only for his eyes to widen in panic.

"How are you feeling?" Austin asks as the two walk out near the cars, seeing as there were one too many people by the pool.

"I feel... like i don't want to be here."

Her honesty didn't shock him. As far as he's concerned, she wasn't one to hold back on how she felt. It was a little upsetting that she was already wanting to leave already, but he obviously wasn't going to force her into something she didn't want to do in the first place.

"Okay." He nods, "That's okay. Did you want a ride home?"

Ryder realized that despite only knowing her for a few days, Austin often took his time to reassure her that whatever she was feeling was okay. It threw her off but she'd admit that she liked knowing he wasn't going to invalidate her feelings, like most did.

Ryder shrugs, "I guess so."

Footsteps are heard running towards them.


The pair share a look as Scott runs away from the party, Stiles sending a single glance their way before he's in his jeep and tracking him down.

"What in the hell was that?" Ryder asks, not really expecting an answer.

"I have no clue."


The girl inhales at the voice, eyes rolling in annoyance, turning to lock eyes with Allison Argent.

It wasn't that she didn't like the girl, but she didn't like the girl.

In no way was her high school experience realistic. You mean to say that the girl was here all of three days and suddenly she's friends with the 'popular' kids and dating a loser. Hell would freeze over before Lydia Martin allowed anyone to do both.

She thought it was weird that the strawberry blonde welcomed someone new into her group so quickly and was okay with her dating someone who has a pretty low social status. It was clear to Ryder that Lydia has ulterior motives. Then again, it wasn't necessarily Ryder's business, so she could care less what happened to Allison.

"What?" Her tone was sharp, almost threatening. Allison suddenly regretted speaking.

"Sorry to bother you—"

She's cut off, "So you say."

"Have you seen Scott?"

Austin raises a brow, he too didn't understand the infatuation with Scott McCall, but he wasn't one to judge on who others liked.

Ryder tilts her head in exhaustion, "Did you not see him leave?"

The Argent girl purses her lips, she didn't want to take any offense to Ryder's tone, but it was hard. The tattooed girl clearly didn't want anything to do with her but Allison figured they could be good friends.

Sensing the awkwardness radiating from the new girl, Austin saves her the embarrassment and asks Ryder if she was ready to leave. After receiving a very detailed explanation on why the hell she was ready to leave this party, Austin directed the brunette to his car and set off in the direction he was told.

Neither of the two noticing a lingering presence waiting on their departure, his green eyes set firmly on the vehicle, a unfamiliar feeling rushing through his veins before he focuses back on the task at hand.

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