belt loops

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"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott, not so discretely, whispered to Stiles.

Stiles lifted a brow, "Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving."

He glanced over to Austin who was sat in front of them, he was silently hinting at the fact that both Lydia and Ryder had managed to survive, yet only one of them turned.

"Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott asked.

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness." His auburn eyes widen, "Wait. Danny. Where's Jackson?"

Danny glanced up from his work, "In the principal's office talking to your dad."

"What? Why?"

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac."

"Witness." Scott muttered.

Stiles eventually came to a conclusion, "We gotta get to the principal's office."

The McCall frowns, "How?"

"Austin." Stiles whispered, the teen turning in his seat, his action capturing his temporary partners attention. He had been partnered with someone else while Ryder had been sent to the principals office for a few minutes.


"We need to get to the principals office." He explained.

The George boy's brows furrow, "What does that have to go with me?"

The Stilinski sighs, "Got any ideas?"

The boy turned around in his seat.

The crunching of paper can be heard from in front of them, it didn't take long for them to notice what Austin was preparing to do after hearing their obnoxiously loud conversation.

Their eyes grow large as Mr. Harris' words are cut off by a piece of paper hitting him in the back of the head.

"Who in the hell did that?"


Ryder sat outside the principals office, annoyed to say the least.

Her hearing went in and out with the conversation on the other side of the door. On one hand, she wanted to listen and possibly practice, on the other, she wanted to get up and leave.

She had already given the Sheriff her statement, which didn't consist of much, so she didn't understand why she had to stay there.

"Ryder?" She heard, her head turning to look to her left, "What are you doing?"

"What the hell does it look like i'm doing?"

Stiles watches her carefully, "You knew about Isaac?"


Scott sends an unsure look to her, "Then why—?"

"Because I sit next to him in English, jackass. Must you know everything?"

Stiles could sense the tension between the two, not really knowing what to do to stop it, figuring it would be best if he didn't intervene in an argument between two beta werewolves, one of which having just turned.

"Okay." Scott nods, "Why didn't you tell us that you turned?"

"Because i shouldn't have to." Ryder said with an eye roll, "Just because you're one of the few supernaturals in Beacon Hills, doesn't mean i have to fall to your mercy and tell you everything. I spoke with my mother, and that's enough."

"You told your mom—"

"She's a werewolf, smart guy. I would think you would have paid attention to that fact, since Derek went out of his way to tell you my family history. Not to mention your still dating someone who's part of a family that wants us all dead."

Stiles winced, catching on quickly that the girl was clearly agitated and his and Scott's, mostly Scott's, presence wasn't making her feel any better.

"Can you keep it quiet—?"

"Shut up." The girl groans, "Stop talking to me. I could care less about yours and Allison's Romeo and Juliet reboot."

Stiles could only sigh in relief, upon hearing the office door open, his relaxed state tensing as his father walked out.

"Hi, Scott. Ryder."

The girl hums, Scott smiling politely at the man.

Noah Stilinski could only sigh, watching Stiles hide behind a magazine.

"Boys. Come on in." Gerard Argent walked out, his eyes fell on the only girl, "You're free to go Miss Miller."

Ryder looks the man up and down, shaking her head as his eyes trailed over her tattooed arm. She scoffed to herself before walking away, muttering a short 'good luck' to Stiles.


"Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, that school isn't the way to go?"

Austin laughs, "Yeah, I mean, i've wondered what being a high school drop out would feel like."

Ryder smiled, her hand brushing against his as they walked down the hall together.

"Are you ready for tonight?"

"Not really." She admits, stopping at his locker, allowing to grab whatever he needed.

"I'll be there with you." He promised, "If you'll let me."

"Yeah, okay."

"You'll do good, and if you don't, then you'll have plenty of full moons to figure it out." Austin said, whispering the last part.

He leant his back against his locker, pulling the girl by her belt loops to stand between his legs.

Ryder hums, looking up at him with soft eyes.

The pair were completely oblivious to the argument that had just ended at the end of the hallway.

Down the way, Lydia had just scoffed after being blown off by her ex boyfriend, Jackson. What added to her annoyance was the couple who stood by the lockers, neither seemed to care that she was there.

"Oh, don't even worry about me!" She spoke, just loud enough for their attention to fall on her, "I was just thinking of throwing myself a pity party!"

"Don't have too much fun!" Ryder falsely smiled, confused as to why Lydia thought they were suddenly interested in how she was feeling.

The strawberry blonde huffed, her heels clicking against the hard floors as she stormed away from them.

"That was mean." Austin told her, finding himself getting lost in her eyes once she looked at him.

"She brought that upon herself." Ryder defended, "All i did was tell her to have a good time."

"You could've—"

His words are cut off by a pair of lips meeting his own.

He reveled in the feeling of her finally being the one to initiate the kiss.

He had wondered for a while if she only reciprocated the kiss because he initiated the action. He was thankfully proved wrong by the sound her pleased sigh as his hands gently squeezed her waist.

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