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Ryder stood with her back to Austin's chest, staring ahead as the people around her began to act erratically. Austin refused to leave her side, but he still hadn't put down the drink he was given by Lydia. The girl squinted, looking around in a confusion at everyone's suddenly change in behavior before she gently took the drink away from her boyfriend.

Austin pouted, but didn't protest, letting her take it and place it on the table.

She turned in his arms, struggling a bit as his grip was tight. She looked down as he fiddled with the rings on her fingers.

"I'll be back, okay? Don't move, i'm gonna go get you a water." She said, lowering her voice, "And hopefully figure out what the hell Lydia put in the damn juice."

"Wait, don't leave me." He called, reaching forward to grab her hand.

"I'll be quick." She insisted, "Just don't go anywhere."

Austin nodded, lower lip pushed out a bit, soon turning into a bright smile once she pressed a kiss to his cheek before leaving.

He watched with droopy eyes as the girl pushed through the crowd, leaning back against the wall as he stared at the group of teens.

His eyes blurred a bit, he rubbed at them, blinking harshly to get himself to focus. Austin didn't think he had much to drink, but he could have sworn he spotted his father standing in front of him with an angered expression. He definitely intended to listen to Ryder's instructions, but the sight sent shivers down his spine.

He stood up straight, something he learned he needed to do when he was around James George. His jaw clenched as he saw a shorter person standing next to him, eyes filled with tears as the lower line of their eyes was red.

It was clear that the child was crying.

He took a step forward, finding himself getting held back by a firm hand, he recognized the hand to belong to his mother.

It sounded muffled, but Austin could make out the way she was pleading for James to let the child go. James refused, gripping the green eyed child's arm, yanking him around roughly.

He found himself speaking, "Let him go."

James glared, lips curled in a sneer as he stared at Austin in disgust, "Shut the hell up. What did I tell you about staying out of an adults conversation?"

"Let him go." Austin repeated, his voice more stern that before, watching his little brother stare up at him with tearful eyes, pleading that he helped him.

There wasn't much he could do as the scene changed.

There were now flashing lights, red and blue. He was stunned, face void of any emotion as he recalled what the man had said. Austin didn't care much for the death of his father, but the man had no right to drink and drive with a child in the car.

He was free of his fathers torture, but at the cost of his little brothers life.


Ryder shoved people out of her way, jug of water shaking in her hands as she went over Scott's words.

"Lydia spiked the punch, everyone who drank it is going crazy."

She grew frustrated as she realized that Austin didn't stay where she told him, but it didn't take long for her to spot him by a pool chair, head in his hands as he let out heavy breaths.

Austin gasped for air as he got drenched in water, looking up to see Ryder staring down at him with a fearful expression.

"Are you okay?"

He hesitated, remembering all the times he chastised her for not being truthful and open with how she was feeling, how he would scold her for not wanting to communicate. He would be a hypocrite if he lied to her face, possibly only adding on to her distrust for people.

His blue eyes looked into her brown ones, sadness swarming in them as he relived his old memories. He shook his head, voice so soft she almost didn't hear him,



"Stiles, look at me. Drink the water. Stiles, drink it. Something's happening, and I need you to sober up right now. Come on, Stiles." Scott rambled on, doing what he could to get his friend to snap out of it.

"What do you think you are doing? You want to sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it."

"You can do better?"

"I can do best, boy. Whoo! How do you feel?"

"Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl." Stiles commented, spitting out the pool water he nearly swallowed.

"He's sober."

"We need to find Lydia." The two looked up at Ryder, shock at the sight of her frantic expression.

"Anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out." Stiles said, pointing to the George teen who looked around in panic.

Scott huffed, "I can see that."

"What the hell do we do?"

"I don't know, but we gotta—"

The McCall is cut off by the sound of screams. Panicked screams, screams of horror. Their attention travels to the pool, surprised to see Matt Daehler struggling to keep himself up after being thrown in by random party goers.

"I can't swim! No, no, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim! I can't - I can't—"

Ryder pushed the boys behind her as Matt had gotten help. He glared at them, looking between each of them,

"What are you looking at?"

It took all her strength not to shove him back in the water at his snappy attitude.

"The cops are here. Party's over!"


A/N: surprise! short chapter since that's the end of the episode. i'm really trying to get season 2 over with. i'm tired of hearing about the kanima and jackson 🙄.

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