mother daughter duo

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It had been a few minutes since Scott had left and Stiles was beginning to grow impatient.

He had been reassured by Ryder that Melissa and his father were both okay, but after she came to find the others after the explosion, there was no saying in if they hadn't gotten caught.

Her words sent the youngest Stilinski into a panic, throwing himself off the chair, and crawling out of the room.

Austin had offered to help the teen get there, but Stiles was convinced that he would just bring him back to the room.

After getting a look from his girlfriend's mother, Austin bent down and picked Stiles up, ignoring his protests and wrapping his arm over his shoulder, walking him towards the room that the Sheriff was kept in, following Ryder's lead.

"Ah, God—" Noah groaned, struggling to get the cuffs off.

"Come on, come on, come on. You can do it." Melissa encouraged him, eyes red as she had tears streaming down her face.

Noah and Melissa laugh in happiness as he pull the entire thing off the wall, succeeding in getting his hand loose, for the most part.

Ramona stopped in her tracks, shoving the teens behind a wall as she noticed Matt walk into the room Stiles' father and Scott's mother were in.

Ryder could tell the Stilinski wanted to question why they stopped walking, but her hand had smacked to his mouth before he could draw attention to them.

Melissa's screams can be heard, along with a grunt as Noah's body falls to the ground, getting knocked unconscious. Ryder weighed her options as she watched Stiles' face contort to one of pain, almost as if he could feel the struggles his father was going through. She could either, keep all of them alive, guaranteed, or risk someone's, likely herself, life by running in and stopping Matt.

A hand grabbing her wrist stopped her from moving forward, looking down she noticed the snake tattoo on Austin's wrist.

His head shook. It was clear that he knew what she wanted to do, and God forbid if he let her.


"Matt? Matt, please, listen to me. My son has been hit, and I've heard other gunfire, there's a wolf roaming the halls—"

Ramona gave her daughter a look, dropping her voice to a whisper, "You weren't supposed to let them see you."

"I figured it was better than standing off to the side and them not knowing i was there." Ryder shrugged her shoulders.

"—and I don't know what's happening, but can you please just let me see my son?"

Ryder's eyes closed, forcing herself to listen throughout the crowded and destroyed police station for Scott's heartbeat. She locked eyes on Stiles, nodding to the teen that his friend was okay.

Matt scoffed, walking towards the woman, "How totally clueless are you people?"

Austin lets out a low groan, fixing the way Stiles leaned on him. His eyes widen as he took note of the red flash of eyes in the corner of the room, recognizing the person to be Derek, hearing growls come from the two women next to him.

He grew confused on what could have possibly set them off so quickly, only for his unasked question to be answered by a screech coming from the kanima in front of them.

Their shoulders moved up and down, heavy breaths leaving the mother-daughter duo's lips as they stepped forward, claws appearing and eyes flashing. They walked ahead in unison, each taking hold of the kanima's arms, digging their claws in before throwing him towards Derek.

The Hale growled as he shoved the creature into a nearby table, going to claw at its chest before he was pushed away. Ryder stepped ahead, kicking the kanima away from the man swinging her hand at it, silently cheering as she made contact with its face, the lizard hissing at the cut being created in its skin.

Ramona watched her daughter fight, waiting patiently as the girl grew tired and threw the former teenager her way, leaning her back against the wall with a sigh.

(warning: the word roar)

Ramona let out a roar, picking up a chair and throwing it at the kanima, eyes glowing red as she managed to grip its wrist and snap it, listening to the crack it made when she broke it.

Derek was down and Matt had ran off. The Daehler teen was the least of their worries. Scott walked into the room, wolf face presented to the world as he shoved his claws into the back of the kanima, slamming the creature down before it ran off, Derek chasing behind it.

"Oh, God, Scott? Scott, you okay? Scott? No!" Melissa cried.

Ryder leaned against the desk, breathing heavily as she caught her breath, Ramona next to her as they watched Melissa step back in shock.

The Miller girls eyes trailed over to her boyfriend, the teen staring at her, eyes full of pride. He sent her a soft smile, one that dropped as they watch Scott's face fall.

Pity coated their feathres as they came to a harsh realization.

Melissa was afraid of him.

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