first full moon

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"Hey, sorry, Harris literally just let me out of detention. Literally. And he had my phone the whole frickin' time." Stiles said to Allison, who was on the other side of the device.

"Well, we need to do something right now. They were asking me all these questions about Lydia and Ryder and how they were bitten by Peter."

Stiles could hear the worry in her tone, while Lydia hadn't turned yet, they hadn't known how discreet Ryder had been with finding out her recent abilities. It didn't help that Stiles saw the way Gerard had glanced at her earlier in the day,

"Lydia hasn't been showing any signs, so i'm sure they'll avoid her. And Ryder should be fine, she's been with Austin all day." He hated that he had to admit that.

"Okay, good, moving on. They ended up sending this guy out."

Stiles started his jeep, "Wait, what guy?"

Allison could be heard humming on the line, "He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy."

"They're sending him to the station for Isaac." The Stilinski concluded.

"He was also carrying this box with something on it, like, um, like a carving or something."

"What was it?"

"Hold on, hold on." She told him, Stiles waiting as patiently as he possibly could, "It's in one of these books. I'm taking a picture. Did you get it?"

Stiles removed his phone from his ear, squinting at the picture she sent, "Yeah, wolfsbane."

"What does that mean?"

"It means they're gonna kill him."


As soon as Ryder came home, she was being ushered into the basement.

Aaron was going to be gone for a few minutes, having gone to pick up Josie from school, so Romona figured it would be best if she gave Ryder an early dinner and sent her to the basement and chained her up.

As bad as it sounded, it all seemed to work out fine.

Ryder wouldn't be too much of a problem with Josie and Aaron being upstairs and Romona and Austin can do their best to help Ryder.

Romona would be there to explain things to the girl, while simultaneously trying her best to coax the girl back to her human form. And the other, that being Austin, would be there to test the theory of him being her anchor.

The girl could be heard breathing rather heavily on the other side of the basements door. It confused Romona greatly, wondering how she could be feeling the effects of the full moon so early in the evening.

Austin seemed to have the same thought,

"Is she supposed to turn this early?"

"No." Romona uttered, eyes wide with wonder. "I will be back in a minute."

Austin watched as the woman went in the room herself. Not at all worried for her, knowing that she was capable of handling her own. He was also certain that Ryder wouldn't dare to think of harming her own mother.


"Mom." Ryder groaned, heavy breaths leaving her lips.

Romona could see the sweat glistening across her daughters face. The girl looked sick, ridiculously sick. Not the kind that came with your first turning as a werewolf. The sight worried the woman greatly.

"Ryder." The oldest of the two walked forward, placing a gentle hand on the girls shoulder, pulling away quickly with a wince.

The black veins traveled up her arm with ease, it didn't take long for Romona to realize that her daughter was in lore pain than she should have been.

The teenager heaved out breaths of air.

Ryder began to cry out as she felt her teeth being replaced. Her mouth was open a bit unwillingly, soft snarls falling from her natural pink lips.

That seemed to be the only normal thing about her.

Her eyes began to change, right along with her hands.

Romona looked terrified, she had no clue what to do. As she began to back away to call for some sort of help, the snapping of bones caught her attention.

Ryder screamed out in agony, her arm breaking where she sat.

Tears ran down Romona's face, as scared as she was, she didn't want to leave her daughters side.

She had a good clue as to why this was happening, but that didn't mean she knew how to prevent it.

She could hear her husband running down the stairs, frantically asking Austin what was happening on the other side of the door.

Only hearing stammers of confusion fall from the teens lips before she was cracking the door open quickly.

"Call Derek Hale."


Ryder had been whimpering and crying all night long. It was hard for everyone in the room to drown out the sound. Some physically not being able to, and the others just too worried of what would happened if they did.

It had been almost three in the morning. Austin had yet to leave his spot by the basement door, Josie cried herself to sleep upon hearing the sounds of her sisters pain.

Derek had finally shown up, his own time being taken up by his own beta, Isaac. He brought Scott and Stiles with him, Stiles being his ride to the home, and Scott tagging along after hearing the news.

Derek knew why Romona and Aaron called him over. He had predicted that this would happen, he also hadn't expected for it to be this quick.

"There isn't much you can do." Derek shrugged, his eyes steady on the couple sitting on the couch, "She's not supposed to fight it, she's doing exactly that."

Aaron rubbed his hands over his face, shaking his head at the sound of another shout coming from downstairs.

"Absolutely nothing?" The man questioned, "You can't make it easier for her?"

The Hale man glanced at Scott, "Theres two ways. Peter's dead, so, the best we can do is take as much pain from her as our bodies will let us until she fully transforms."

"Transform into what?" Scott whispered, his question going unanswered.

"What does Peter have to do with it?" Stiles asked, glancing at the man, who only looked at Romona.

The woman sighed, reluctant to answer, only then realizing that lies only made things worse, "Peter Hale is Ryder's biological father."

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