derek hale

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Aside from the fight she has this morning, Ryder wasn't having a terrible day. That was until she walked into class and almost immediately heard Scott and Stiles' conversations from where she stood in the doorway. It wasn't that she actually cared what they spoke about, it was that when they thought they were whispering, they were actually speaking loud enough for the whole class to hear.

"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?"

Scott shrugs, "I don't know."

Stiles sends Ryder nod of hello, unaware of the glare being sent his way as he continued his conversation, "Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know." The McCall repeats.

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?" His chair jerks forward when Ryder kicks the back of it, a way of her telling him to shut up.

"I don't know! Jeez."

They get quiet as the teacher passes by to hand them their graded papers. Ryder, not really caring to see what her grade was, turns her attention elsewhere. The girl zones out as she stares at the bouncing of Stiles' leg.

"Dude, you need to study more." Noticing his friends angered look, he retracts his statement, "That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?"

Scott shakes his head, "No. I'm studying with Allison after school today."

The pair could hear Ryder snort to herself before putting her head against the desk.

Stiles, agreeing with her reaction, give his friend a shoulder pat, "That's my boy."

"We're just studying."

Stiles scoffs, his head shaking, "Uh, no, you're not."

"No, I'm not?" Scott questions, his brows going down as he tilts his head in confusion.

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de - balled." The Stilinski exaggerates, turning his head to the girl sitting behind him.

"You want to study with me, Ry?"

"Don't call me that." She immediately shuts the nickname down,

"Sorry, do you—?"

"Absolutely not." Ryder mutters, her eyes rolling before they pretend to focus on whatever the teacher was doing.

Scott, wanting the attention back on him, cuts in, "Just - Stop with the questions, man."

"Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha or Derek. Especially Derek - who still scares me."


Austin was making his way to the bathroom, suddenly regretting the amount of water he drank that afternoon.

He could make out the sound of someone's heavy breathing as he roamed the halls, he wanted to take Ryder's advice and learn to mind his own, but his hero complex wouldn't allow whoever was there to sit in pain.

With a low groan, he redirected himself in the direction of the struggling person.

To his surprise, someone who looked too old to be in high school and too 'cool' to be a teacher, was leant up against the lockers panting heavily.

Glancing around the area, he cleared his throat before speaking, "Are you okay, man?"

"Where's Scott McCall?"

"Probably in class, like lots of students are." Austin said, his eyes squinting as the man shuffled closer to him.

"Where is he?"

Scoffing, he glared, "Why should I tell you?"

The sickly man looked up at him, suddenly feeling odd as he looked into his eyes, "Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once."

"I wouldn't consider that polite, but uh—"

"Hey!" Another voice shouts, Austin recognizing it as Jackson Whittemore, "Are you McCall's dealer?"

Austin frowns, whispering to himself, suddenly forgetting how badly he needed the bathroom, "Dealer? As in drugs?"

"Where's Scott?" The older man repeats, "I won't ask again."

Jackson chuckles, "Hmm. Okay, tough guy. You know, how about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him? What is it? Is it, uh, Dianabol? Hmm? HGH?"

"Steroids." The man mutters.

"No, girl scout cookies." Jackson answers sarcastically, ignoring the look Austin gives him, "What the hell do you think I'm talking about? Oh, and, uh, by the way, whatever it is you're out selling, I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise. You look wrecked."

"Dude, relax." Austin demands, shoving past Jackson to get to the guy, "Do you need some water or something? You don't look good."

"I'll find him myself."

As Austin stares into his green eyes, he comes to the conclusion that this was the Derek Hale that Ryder spoke about. As he's thinking, he hears a body slam up against the lockers, turning around just in time for the bell to ring, signaling the end of class.

"Uhm, hey, just wait here and i'll take you to him, okay?"

The man sends a weary look in his direction, prompting Austin to explain himself further, "M- My names Austin, you're Derek Hale. I know Scott. Ryder too, if that helps."

He can see Derek's tense shoulders relax at the mention of the girls name.

"Okay." He grumbles.

"Okay? I'm going to go pee, I'll be quick, don't go anywhere."


She could hear her name getting harshly whispered as she walked outside to wait on her father.

While she very much had the ability to get her own car and license, she shouldn't be trusted behind the wheel. So, her father suggested that he pick her up and drop her off. Her mother was sick, so the woman couldn't pick her up. That meant a lot of her time was spent either away from the house, due to the sadness of having to be around the woman all the time, or in her bedroom.

Turning around, her eyes widen at the sight of Austin with none other than Derek Hale.

"Good God." She whispers to herself.

"You know, me warning Scott to stay away from him doesn't mean you should hang around him."

"He needed help." The George boy explained, "I don't know what's wrong with him. He's asking for Scott."

"Mhmm." Her eyes travel over to the man she hadn't spoken to in nearly four years, "I don't know where he is."

"Ryder, he's sick."

"How unfortunate." She pouts, "You probably shouldn't be on school property, Derek Hale, you could get arrested."

Derek moans in pain, "Ryder, please."

"You hear that? I audibly sighed."

Austin grunts as he adjusts Derek on his shoulder, the man himself seemingly out of it as Ryder lets out a harsh groan of annoyance, pointing in the direction of Stiles' jeep.

"He's over there."

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