grudge holder award

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ice cream?

Austin stared at the text with a defeated sigh.

He wanted to, believe him, he did. Unfortunately, Jackson had attacked Danny, paralyzing him and anyone that got too close. ie, Danny's ex boyfriend.

Which is why the Whittemore was passed out in the backseat of Stiles' jeep, with Austin watching over him.

Stiles was outside, having a conversation with his dad. The windows were rolled down just enough for him to catch their conversation.


Jackson began to groan, trying to sit up, "What's - what's going on?"

"Shut up, man."

"Jackson, Jackson, be quiet." Scott spoke, a lot gentler than Austin did.

The Sheriff placed his hands on his hips, glaring at his son, "What're you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? What? It's a club. It's a club, we were clubbing, you know? At the club."

"Oh, God."

"Not exactly your type of club." Stilinski pointed out.

Stiles stuttered, "Uh - well, dad - There's a conversation that we—"

"You're not gay."

"Wha—?" Stiles looked deeply offended at the comment, "I could be."

"Not dressed like that."

His words had Austin sending glance down at his own outfit. He and Stiles dressed differently.

"You don't look gay, man." Scott reached back and patted his shoulder.

Austin scoffed, "I didn't think I did."

"Well, what's - uh -"

Jackson began to make noises, noises loud enough for the Stilinski's to look in their direction.

"Jackson, be quiet."

"This is the second crime scene that you just happened to have shown up on. And at this point, I've been fed so many lies, I'm not sure I know the kid standing in front of me. Now, what the hell is going on?"

Jackson sat up, "What's happening?"


"Jackson, I'm sorry, but—"

Austin was left with a gapping expression on his face, definitely not expecting the McCall to punch him hard enough to knock him out.


Stiles sighed, "Dad, I - I—"

"Kids gonna get us caught." The George teen murder to himself, his words not faking silent to Scott's ears.

"The truth, Stiles." The older Stilinski demanded.

"The truth, all right. Well, the truth is that we were here with Danny. Yeah, 'cause he just broke up with his boyfriend, so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind off things. That's - that's it."

Noah seemed pleased with his sons response, nodding in approval as he sent a thumbs up to the two teens watching them,

"Well, that's really good of you guys. You're good friends."


"Screw me, dude."

"What's wrong?" Scott frowned, glancing back at the blue eyed teen.

"Can you drop me off at Ryder's house?"

"Sure." Stiles nodded, "She's still not talking to you?"

"Might not ever talk to me again. I left her on read for fifteen minutes."

"Ooh." Scott winced, sending Stiles a wide eyed glance.

"What? W-what was that?"

"What was what?"

"That look." Austin pointed between the two.

"What look?" They are the face again.

"That look." The George teen exaggerated, "What'd I miss?"

"Tell him."

Scott huffed, "When we were younger, we had planned a big birthday surprise for Ryder—"

"This was obviously when she didn't completely hate our guts."

"—We were in the middle of getting her gifts so we didn't answer her texts for like- and hour- and she blew up on us!"

"Didn't say a word to us for a week."

"Which is kind of unfair since she doesn't answer anyone else's texts."

Austin felt his heart drop, "You're kidding, right?"


"What made it even worse, was that it was the week of her birthday, so it took an insane amount of convincing to even get her to show up to her own party."

"Best grudge holder i have ever met. If there was an award, she'd have it." Stiles nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "Even when you think she's forgiven you, she's never actually forgave you."




"What?" The teen rolled over in her bed, eyes softening at the sight of her little sister.

"Uhm— Austin's here."

"Tell him to go away."

"Okay." Josie shrugs, going to leave only to turn back around, "Why aren't you guys talking?"

"Because I don't want to speak to him right now."

Josie sighs, "Did he cheat on you?"

"We aren't together, Jo."

"Right. But you act like it." Jo says, moving to sit at the end of her sisters bed, "Is this about what you and mom were arguing about earlier?"

Ryder did not need the reminder that she and Romona got into a fight.

After Ryder had left the car earlier in the night, she immediately stormed into the house, ignoring how her mom tried to speak to her.

It only got worse when Ryder ran into Aaron on the way in and tried to explain her part of the situation, being let down when he sided with Romona.

She had yelled at both of them about how she was already forced into the supernatural world and now she was being forced to be nice to the people she's been avoiding for six years straight.

What made her more upset was when Aaron let it slip that she needed to get over it. This comment then leaded to him getting a lecture from Romona, which then led to Ryder calling her mother a hypocrite and running upstairs to her room.

This left poor Josephine to move around the house to speak to the three. She had brought both Romona and Ryder their dinner up, per Aaron's request. He didn't want to upset either of them any more than he already had, and he knew he wouldn't be able to get either of them out of their bedrooms, especially after hearing Ryder toss her phone across the room.

Josie had been sitting in the living room with her dad, knowing the man was too scared to try and sneak into his own bedroom before Romona went to sleep. She had heard the doorbell ring, getting up to answer it when she heard Austin's voice on the other side calling out for her sister.

After seeing the ridiculously frantic look on his face, she ran as fast as she could to see her sister, which is where she was now.

"It's nothing, Jo."

"Just tell him I don't want to talk."

Josephine struggled to hold back her sad expression, not liking the way her sister went back to her old ways of pushing people away.

She didn't want to upset her anymore than she already was.

"Close the door on your way out."

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