pessimistic stiles

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They had been stuck there for a couple minutes now.

Scott had yelled at Allison, the girl adding hurt to her whirl of emotions. He had stepped off the to side with Stiles to talk about God knows what. Jackson had taken it upon himself to comfort the Argent rather than his own girlfriend.

Lydia stood off to the side, watching as the man she loved consoled another woman.

Ryder laid back flat, knees up, on the top of a desk, watching the interaction with bored eyes. She felt sympathy for Lydia. Knowing from experience that when the girl loved, she loved hard. So she could only imagine how she was feeling.

She did not want to feel bad for the girl that didn't even like her, but she knew that there just had to be a reason for Lydia acting the way she did. The way that things were going, she could only assume that she would find out.

Austin stood still next to her, watching Jackson and Allison with a frown. He thought it was weird. Too weird.

He knew that the moment he got a girlfriend, he would never put any other girl above her, his mom would kill him if he didn't. So seeing that just made him a bit disgusted. He wasn't a person that enjoyed judging others, but Jackson made it hard not to do that.

"Okay, assheads - new plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?"

"No, we're not 'good with that'." Austin finally snapped, "If there's seriously something going on out there, then there's no reason to put anybody else in danger."

Stiles sent the boy an appreciative nod, thankful that someone was on his side. His content expression only dropped at Scott's next words,

"No." Scott spoke, tensing as he saw Ryder sit up from her position to glare at him, "He's right. Tell him the truth if you have to, just - just call him."

Stiles' voice cracks as he looks between everyone, "I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive."

"You won't have to." Ryder tried reassuring.

"Majority rules." Allison spoke up, "Call him n—"

"Shut up." The Argent's mouth snapped shut in shock.

Scott turned to the girl with an angered expression, pausing in his tracks as Austin look at him with a warning.

Jackson rolls his eyes, walking forward to grab Stiles' shoulder, "All right, give me the phone."

Suddenly, Ryder finds herself laughing in amusement, Austin covering her with his hand, hoping that she'd realize that now wasn't the best time. The pair watching in shock as Stiles punches Jackson in his face.

Allison gasps loudly, running forward to help the Whittemore boy off the ground, "Jackson! Are you okay? Hey, are you okay?"

Ryder took note of the frown that stayed on Lydia's face. She knew all too well that Lydia wasn't really one to show her emotions through sadness. She knew for sure that despite how scared and upset she was now, she was definitely going to get Allison back for warming up to her boyfriend.

With much reluctance, Stiles pulled out his phone to call his father. He casted a quickly look to Ryder and Austin, the two giving him looks of sympathy as he was practically forced to get his dad involved.

"Dad, hey, it's me. And it's your voice mail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now. We're at the school. Dad, we're at the school."

The door shook, the group of teenagers jumped at the unexpected sound. Ryder got up from her seat on the table and stood next to the others.

She could feel both Lydia and Austin move in on either side of her,

"Oh my God." Lydia whispered, to scared to even realize how close she was standing to the girl she tortured for years. She wasn't even aware of the odd glance she received from Jackson at the fact that she trusted Ryder enough to keep her safe, rather than him.


They had moved destinations, going to the kitchen part of the classroom, per Stiles' request.

"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Scott asked, his attention solely on the other lacrosse player.

Jackson seemed confident with his response, "Five, if someone squeezes on someone's lap."

"Five?" Allison scoffed, "I barely fit in the back."

"Ryder and Austin are here, some of us can get in his car too, right?" Lydia said, her wide eyes traveling to the dirty blonde haired boy.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Austin nodded, walking forward enough so he's behind Ryder, leaving a small distance between them, though he could still feel the heat radiating off her body from how close he was.

Stiles sighs, "It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention."

"Why are you so pessimistic?" Ryder asks, Stiles scoffing out a laugh at her words,

"I'm pessimistic? Me?"

"What about this?" Scott points, "This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds."

Stiles immediately shuts it down, "That's a deadbolt."

"The janitor has a key."

"Yeah, on his dead body." Austin said.

"I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood." Scott whispered, mainly to Stiles.

"Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" His friend sarcastically spoke.

"I'm getting the key." The McCall declared, his voice loud enough to catch everyone else's attention. Again.

Allison jumps up, "Are you serious?"

Ryder would've assumed that she'd be glad that someone was willing to do something to get them out. Maybe it was just her that didn't care who decided to sacrifice themselves. The Miller couldn't care less about if he left or not, if anything, she wholeheartedly believed that maybe the guy out there would scare him shitless.

"Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we wanna get out of here."

"You can't go out there unarmed."

"Well, it's better than nothing." Scott shrugged.

His tone to her was a bit off. There weren't many things that Austin could not stand, but Scott McCall was now one of them.

"There's gotta be something else."

"There is."

Lydia's words capture their eyes, her own focused of the cabinet full of chemicals. Austin seemed to have picked up on her idea.

Stiles, as oblivious as everyone else, frowns, "What are we gonna do? Throw acid on him?"

Lydia shakes her head, her hair moving with the action, "No. Like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a—"

"Self - igniting molotov cocktail." Austin smiles, Ryder sighing at the sight.

"Self - igniting—?" The Stilinski trails off, not understanding.

"- molotov cocktail." Lydia completes, earning weird looks from the others, "What? I read it somewhere."

She didn't.

Ryder knew. However, Lydia's pleasing glance is what kept her from saying anything.

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