sexing it up

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Turns out, Austin's 'seen you soon' would be a lot sooner than expected.

Ryder had blocked both Scott and Stiles' numbers, wanting to teach the two a lesson about disrespecting the people that they needed.

The same couldn't be said for Austin.

He had gotten a text from Stiles, practically being begged to come help him and Scott with Jackson. Apparently, the Whittemore was giving them problems.

Austin didn't know how he would be able to help, but he quite enjoyed being asked for his assistance on things supernatural.

What worried him, though, was Stiles' message to bring Ryder along.

He had already promised the girl ice cream after school, and now he would have to rain check.

Screw him for being a people pleaser.

"Ry! Hi!" He walked up the girl, watching her chuckle at the rhyming sentence.

"Hi." She smiles softly, "Promise me that this time you won't get mint chocolate chip?"

Austin winced, "About that..."

Her happy expression fell, her head shaking as she stepped away from him, "No."


"No, Austin." She frowned.

"I'm sorry, okay, I really am. But you don't understand how cool this is for me!"

"You're blowing me off because you think Stilinski is cool?"

"Not cooler than you!"

Her eyes rolled, "You're digging yourself a bigger hole."

"I know. I'm not blowing you off, I'm not blowing anyone off. Or, at least i'm not trying to. We can still get ice cream, just on the way to help Scott and Stiles."

"You're a jerk."

Austin sighed, stepping forward to grab her hands, "I'm sorry."



"Don't touch me." Ryder shoved Stiles away from her, watching him stumbled as he tried to regain his balance.

"What's your problem?" Scott stepped up, prepared to defend his friend if needed.

"You're my problem! Both of you assholes!"

"What did we do?"

"What don't you do?!" Ryder pushed the McCall away from her.

Stiles looks to Austin for an explanation.

"You guys stopped her from getting ice cream."

"Screw your ice cream." The Stilinski scoffs, "These are serious matters, Ryder."

"No! Screw you." She glared between the pair of best friends, "Better yet, screw each other!"

"Stiles! McCall! I'm gonna kill you!"

"The only time I will ever agree with Jackson."

"Come on."


"Okay, I bought you some foo—"

Jackson cut Stiles off, practically growling in his face, "Let me out now!"

"You know, I put those pants on you, all right, buddy? One leg at a time. Being all up - close and personal with your junk wasn't exactly a highlight of my day. So don't think this is fun for me either. You know we're actually doing you a favor?"

"This is doing me a favor?"

"Yes. You're - you're killing people. To death. Yeah."

"As opposed to killing them alive?" Ryder muttered, leaning her head against Austin's shoulder as they waited outside the transport van.

"—And until we can figure out how to stop you, you're gonna stay in here. I'm sorry. Now - you want the ham and cheese, or the turkey club?"

"You actually think my parents won't be looking for me?"

"Uh, well - not if they don't think anything's wrong." Stiles gestures to Jackson's phone with a smirk, "Yeah."


Scott had left.

Of course, he did. Ryder was so upset that she had to skip out on ice cream, but McCall could go and take a stupid test.

"How are your abilities coming along?"

The Miller girl side eyed Stiles, rolling her eyes as she scooted away from him and closer to Austin.

"You know what I find funny, Stiles?"

The Stilinski gulped, "What's that?"

"How every time you little shits need help, you call Austin, who then convinces me to tag along, rather than the person responsible for this situation anyways."

"How is that funny?"

"It's not funny!" She picked up a handful of leaves and tossed them in his direction, "That's the whole point, Stiles."

"Nothing about what's going on is funny. You know, me and my mother got in an argument because of you and Scott." She nodded, watching as his head looked down guiltily, "Because you guys always find a way to get me involved in your personal problems, and if i decide, 'hey, they've never treated me right before, why the should i help them now?' my mother comes for my neck and tells me that i need to be more open and get over the fact that you guys treated me like shit."

Stiles sighs, listening intently at her ranting, knowing that he shouldn't cut her off,

"I also find it funny- this means i don't actually think it's funny- how Austin and I are getting traded in so Scott can go sneak off to take a test and sex up his girlfriend."

"No one's sexing it up with anybody—"

"Which leads me to my question, why are we here, Stiles?"

Austin stood up from his spot on the ground, wiping his pants of any dirt or leaves that stuck to them when he was sat, sighing softly as he helped the girl up.

"Uhm- Because you guys are the only other people that know about the supernatural and can actually help us."

Ryder's brow raised, her tongue running over her teeth in annoyance, "You are aware that, werewolf or not, Jackson is Derek's beta, this has nothing to with any of us."

"Scott wants to help—"

"Then that's Scott's problem!"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I, Stiles Stilinski, apologize on behalf of myself for not listening, agreeing, or believing in anything you said when I should've because you were right, Ryder! You're always right! And from now on, when you find something suspicious or weird, or whatever you want to call it, I will take a step back and think over my thoughts and remember every single moment when you were right and we were wrong!"

At the end of his rant, Stiles was pretty much out a breath, running a hand over his shaved head with a huff.

Austin wanted to insert himself and snap at Stiles for the way he spoke to Ryder, but the content look on her face was what made him realize that all she truly wanted was an apology from them.

All she ever wanted was an apology.


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