giant lizard goo

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Stiles had pretty much begged Austin to take him to the place where he would be getting his jeep fixed, the vehicle having been towed. The George teen was already preparing to offer him a ride, so Stiles didn't have to do much asking.

The car ride to the auto place wasn't as long as Ryder had thought, then again, she would be sitting in the car with Stiles, listening to his endless complaints of Erica. So maybe she just assumed.

Ryder had no personal problems with the girl, in fact, before their turnings, the two could have been consider acquaintances. The Miller teen could admit that what she did to Stiles was a bit over the top, but when it came to the loyalty to a pack, Ryder could give her the benefit of the doubt.

"What is this?" Stiles cuts himself off, lifting the item into the air with confusion.

Austin's eyes snapped the to rearview mirror, his blue eyes widening upon realizing what he had picked up.

Ryder scoffed, reacting to the backseat to snatch Marco out of his hands, "Who is this?" She corrected him.

The human raised his hands in defense, "I didn't—"

"Don't be rude, Stilinski."

"Did you get her that?" Stiles asked the driver, Austin nodding in confirmation, not wanting to take his eyes off the tow truck they were following.

"Cute." He muttered, clearly unsatisfied with the news, "What's its name?"

"His name is Marco." Ryder snapped. The girl was obviously upset with Stiles' inability to take the hint that Marco was more than a stuffed animal to her.

"My bad." Stiles spoke sarcastically, his hand raising as he gave Austin directions, "Turn here."

"There are no other turns." Austin sighed in exasperation.

"Will you guys stay with me? Last thing i want to do is die in a car garage."


"Hey! Hey? Wh - what do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter." Stiles shouted at the man fixing his jeep.

The mechanic sighs. "Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system has got to be replaced here."

"Why do I get the feeling you're slightly over - estimating the damage?"

"I don't think he's slightly overestimating anything," Ryder mumbled, not hiding that she was tuning in on their conversation.

"It's probably gonna run you around like twelve - hundred parts and labor."

"Damn." The girl continued, Austin finding amusement in her commentary.

Stiles' hands move around frantically, "Are you kidding? This thing doesn't have a catalytic converter. And yes, I know what a catalytic converter is."

"Do you know what a limited slip differential is?"

Stiles hesitates, "No—"

"Yeah, coming on more like fifteen - hundred."

"Okay. Just finish. I'll be back here, seething with impotent rage!"

The teen stormed over to the Ryder and Austin, walking to the door around the same time as Austin stands up and lets Ryder know that he was going to the bathroom.

"Oh. Nice. It's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here."

The girl could hear the Stilinski grumble under his breath.

"Where's Austin?"

"He just went to the bathroom. You know, it probably would have been best if you mentioned how 'unsanitary' this establishment was before he left."

"I didn't even know he was leaving." The lacrosse player pouted, his auburn eyes moving around the office before they settled on a picture that Ryder couldn't see from her spot in the chair, "Figures."

A thud is heard from the back, Ryder could only assume the worse as she called out for Austin to see if he was okay. All she got in response were grunts and heavy breaths. Just as she was going to check on him, she feels a pinch on the back of her neck. She drops to her knees at the same time Stiles let's his phone fall, his body following shortly after.

She could see his phone laying lazily on the ground next to him.

Ryder could feel herself panic. Probably not the best thing to be doing in a situation such as this one, but her mind was on the blue eyed boy who she could hear whimpering in fear.

"Ryder." Stiles grunted, his eyes gesturing to above them.

Her heart dropped at the sight of the giant lizard in front of her, the creature tilting his head them before running off into the room where the man was fixing up Stiles' jeep.

"Ah—" The wolf groaned, her body forcing itself to move the tiniest inch, yet that didn't do much. Her brown eyes were focused solely on what was happening outside the door.

"Don't look." His fingers shaking as he dialed for the police.

She ignore Stiles' words, tears filling her vision as she watched his body get crushed by the large baby blue vehicle.

"Ryder, don't look."

"9 - 1 - 1, what's your emergency?"


"Are you okay?" Ryder asked, shoving away the paramedic that continued to poke and prod at her previously numb arm.

She had been asked by Sheriff Stilinski to get herself checked on before she could see Austin.

She didn't want to be disrespectful to the man, as he was Stiles' father and the Sheriff, but she thought his request was bullshit.

She felt fine, but she was nonverbally reminded by Stiles that no except them knew that she had healed herself much quicker. The two human boys were still struggling to gain control of their limb movements, so it was only natural that Ryder pretended that she was having the same issues.

Austin looked up at the sound of her voice, his worry blowing away as he realized that she was physically okay.

"I'm fine, I'm okay." He whispered to her, pulling the girl into a much needed hug. He pulled away, his warm hands pressing against her cold cheeks, while she stared into her eyes, "Are you okay? You obviously didn't turn. Do you feel sick?"

"I feel fine." She chuckled at his speedy questions, "Are you okay? No cuts, or scratches?"

"No, no i'm all good. There was goo on the faucet? I don't know what that's about." He whispered to her, only assuming that this was a supernatural experience, as he had no actually seen the lizard himself, only falling into the creatures trap.

Ryder nodded, "We'll have Scott and Stiles explain. All I know is that there's a giant lizard going around terrorizing people."

Her words were fast, yet whispered, not wanting anyone around them to pick up on her sentence.

"Ryder, Austin? We need your statements."

A/N: i need ideas 😭

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