judge free zone

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"Boyd. You got the keys?" Stiles whispered to the tall teenager, glancing around as if he was going to get caught doing something illegal.

Boyd sighs, "This isn't a favor. It's a transaction."

"Right, yeah. Absolutely." The Stilinski nods, pulling out his wallet and sliding over a twenty,

"I said 50." Boyd immediately rejects, sliding the money back over.

Stiles let's put a nervous laugh, "Really, I - I remember 20. I don't know. I have a really good verbal memory. And I remember 20. I remember that distinct 'twa' sound, 'twa - enty'."

Boyd rolls his eyes, "I said fifty. With the 'fa' sound. Hear the difference?"

"Uh—" The Stilinski stammers, struggling to come up with a response.

"If you can't, I can demonstrate some other words with the "fa" sound."

"Uh, no, n - no. I think I'm recalling it. Now. Maybe I just got it confused with - For - ty."

Boys rolls his eyes, sending a disapproving look to Ryder and Austin, who were watching the scene with amused expressions on their faces. The dark haired teen ignored Stiles' presence, seeming to rather emojis his bag of chips.

"Come on, man, have you seen the piece of crap jeep that I drive?"

"You seen the piece of crap bus that I take?"

"He's got a point." Ryder speaks up, noticing Stiles' hesitance to give him the money,

"Fifty. Mmm. Okay. Thank you."


"Oh, that's fun." Ryder comments, watching the new and improved Erica walk into the cafeteria more confidentially than ever. "I can only imagine what happened to her."

Austin chuckles at her sarcastic statement, not even sparing a glance at the girl who seductively bit into a strangers apple, without a doubt, enjoying the attention she's receiving.

Instead he choose to adjust his position on the bench and lean his head on Ryder's shoulder. Sighing contently as her spare hand lifted and rubbed against his jaw.

He fiddled with his own fingers, much preferring the girls, but didn't want to stop her from eating their shared gummies.

He had noticed that her turning into a wolf dramatically increased her appetite, it didn't bother him at all that she was eating more than normal. If anything, he was glad that she had no choice but to eat seeing as he noticed she didn't do it all that much.

He glanced down at his fingers, the digits being slightly bruised after his recent, and hopefully final, encounter with Jackson.

It was clear as day that the teen was embarrassed with his behavior, having no choice but to stoop down to the Whittemore's level and show him how Lydia must have felt when Jackson spoke to her the way that he did.

He was grateful enough that the lacrosse player didn't go to the principal and tell, which he had Ryder to thank for.

The girl had taken it upon herself to remind Jackson of the both verbal and physical abuse the two had witnessed, pointing out that if he snitched on Austin, that his own punishment wouldn't be much better.

"What - The holy hell - Is that?" He glanced up, speak of the devil and she shall appear, he thought. Lydia looked livid at the fact that all eyes were on everyone but her, her position at the end of the table proved that much.

"She looks good, right?" Ryder asked, watching Scott and Stiles chased after the girl.

Austin shrugged, "I don't know, i wasn't paying attention to her. But based on your reaction, i might have to watch out for her, huh?"

"No." She dramatically rolled her brown eyes, the action making his heart race, "She isn't my type anyway."

"No?" She shook her head, "What's your type then?"

She pursed her lips, humming in thought, "I definitely prefer blue eyes."


Ryder and Austin left school and went on a much needed ice cream date.

Though, Ryder could easily tell that something else was on the George teens mind.

"What's going on?" She asked, "You've barely touched your disgusting excuse of an ice cream."

He smiles, letting it fall quickly after, "For starters, we've been over this before, mint chocolate chip isn't disgusting."

"It is, but continue."

"Are you not weirded out with the way i went about handling Jackson, earlier today?"

The pale girl frowns, "Not one bit, why would I be?"

"I just don't want you think i'm like, this psycho for throwing a punch."

"I wouldn't call you a psycho, you're far too sweet for that. Which is why i would say that you did the right thing. That's my personal opinion. I'm sure Lydia wouldn't have thanked you if she didn't think the same."

"I don't care what Lydia thinks." He whispered.

Ryder squints, "I don't mind it. I would probably fall in love with a guy that went out of his way to defend me, even if i'm perfectly capable to defending myself."

"I'll keep that in mind." He joked,

"I also think it would be a tad bit unfair of me to judge you for putting someone in their place, when i can physically turn into a rabid animal. You haven't judged me, why would i do that to you?" She explained, tapping her nails against the wooden table.

"That's not something you can control yet, i wouldn't judge you for that."

"So, there you go. This is a 'judge free' zone."


Leaving the ice cream shop, the two teens seemed to have swapped emotions. Ryder looking a lot more upset than she did before they showed up to the place, Austin taking over the happier expression..

"It was only fifteen dollars, Ry."

"Fifteen dollars that I wanted to pay." She snapped, moving away from him once he stepped closer to her.

"You can pay next time." He tried, making very little effort to hide the lift of his cheeks.

"You said that about this time."

He didn't want to laugh, but she looked a lot less intimidating than she was truing to make herself seem.

And he thought it was adorable.

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