shit luck

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The last place Austin wanted to be was at school, let alone  in the locker room listening to Coach speak. But the faster he finished his classes, the faster he could get to the hospital to spend the rest of his day with Ryder.

The news about what happened to Isaac and Ryder had spread like wildfire. His day was spent receiving pitiful looks from his classmates. Some smart ass even had the audacity to try and put an RIP sticker on Ryder's locker, claiming that her frail body wouldn't survive the shock that came from getting electrocuted and they'd be lucky if Isaac even came back alive.

It took his all not to punch the kid in their face for even insinuating that she wouldn't get better. What stopped him, however, was the fact that said kid was a girl and a freshman. He was almost seventeen, he had no business hitting someone younger than him. That, and he didn't believe in hitting women.

"Listen up! Anybody catches the slightest glimpse of Stilinski, you contact the first available teacher. Got it? Got it!?"

"Yes, Coach." The boys collectively said.

"There's a card on my desk for Isaac Lahey and Ryder Miller." Coach looked directly at Austin as he said this, knowing the teen would greatly appreciate his efforts of making his day more comfortable. "And every one of you losers is not only going to sign it, you're going to write a personal message so profound and deep, it's gonna bring a tear to Coach's eye."

The lacrosse players lined up,

"Who's first? Ah, Danny! That's how you do it, buddy. Keep it PG."

Austin wasn't in the mood to see what crude and or disrespectful messages the annoying lacrosse players would have written about his girlfriend, so he took this opportunity to brush past them. His movements caught Coach's attention, though the man was dating his mother, he wasn't sure if he was good with the fatherly advice Austin needed at the moment.

So, Bobby just let him leave.



"Hey, Austin!"

"What, dude?" He turned around in annoyance, shocked to see Scott and the Steiner twins walking behind him.

They looked him over, shaking their heads as they realized he wasn't the one holding an emitter.

"It's coming from the basement." Ethan said.

"What?" Austin questioned with a blank face.

"Come on." Scott ushered them to follow.

Austin did so with hesitation. He was confused on what was happening but that confusion slowly turned to anger as his blue eyes locked on Stiles' figure.

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