stuck with derek

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Ryder and Austin's families would be going to the lacrosse game with them.

The parents of the teens had been invited by their own kids, thinking that maybe it would be good for everyone to meet. Josie had also overheard Ryder speaking about it to their mom and decided that she wanted to go also.

She wanted to figure out what intrigued her sister about throwing balls into a net with a stick. Then again, she knew that Ryder was a fairly violent person.

Which confused her on why Austin was so adamant on being in a relationship with the girl. He was the complete opposite of her sister. But Josie was a firm believer in opposites attract.


Austin pulled into the school parking lot. He could see his mom practically bouncing in the passengers seat in eagerness.

The woman had never been to a lacrosse game before and she was beyond excited.

The mother son duo got out of the car, making their way to the field in hopes of finding either a good seat, or Ryder and her family.

Jenn gasps, "There's Ryder!"

Austin perked up, his eyes almost immediately meeting hers as she waved them over.

"Come on." He mumbles to his mother, gently placing her arm around his bicep, knowing that the woman had a tendency to wander off.

"Mom, these are Ryder's parents, Aaron and Romona." He introduced, Austin had made sure to give his mom a brief explanation that Romona was a selective mute. The woman didn't really seem to bothered by the thought, simply stating that the two women would become fast friends.

"I'm Josie, Ryder's sister."

"It's nice to meet you, Josie."

After everyone was introduced to one another, Austin and Jennifer made themselves comfortable with the family.

The adults, and Josie, sat below Ryder and Austin. The George had figured it would make things easier since they would be the more likely of them to get up and move around.


It was a few minutes before the game was to start, and Stiles was no where to be found.

Ryder thought it was a bit weird that he had finally made first line and he hasn't showed up to play. She looked around the area and locked her eyes on Coach. The man looked genuinely upset.

"Where the hell is Bilinski?"

"Bilinski? What kind of name is that?" Aaron judged, turning around to look at his oldest daughter.

"Stilinski." She corrected, "He's looking for Stiles."

"Stiles!" Josie's eyes lit up, "I haven't seen him in years."

Romona could only send the girl a look. One that said for her to keep quiet. They didn't know if Ryder occasionally spoke to Stiles or not, but they didn't want to trigger any unwanted memories.

They could all remember the day Ryder came home crying because her best friend and, at the time, crush, stopped speaking to her because of something one girl started.

Her heart was shattered, there wasn't much any of them could do, aside from be there for her. And even then,
Ryder had continuously insisted that she didn't want to be comforted.

To this day, no one, other than her family, was aware of the crush twelve year old Ryder had on Stiles.

"Where is he?" Austin leaned over, making sure his mom didn't hear.

"No clue." She shrugged, glancing at him before turning around, "He, more likely than not, got stuck with Derek again."

Oh, how right she was.


"You're not gonna make it." Derek said, watching the teen end the call he had with Scott.

Stiles sighed, shaking his head in disappointment, "I know."

"And you didn't tell him about his mom, either." The Hale man continued to point out.

"Not till we find out the truth."

"By the way, one more thing." Before Stiles could turn in his direction, or even speak, Stiles' face was making contact with the steering wheel.

"Oh, God! What the hell was—"

Derek cut him off, point a finger in his face, "You know what that was for. Go. Go!"


"It's the bite that does it, isn't it?"

Scott reluctantly answered, "Yes."

"Well, then, it's easy." The Whittemore shrugs. His tone suggested that if they wanted, they could get it done and over with right now.

"No, it's not. I can't be the one to do it, okay? It has to be - It has to be an Alpha." Scott tries to explain, his big brown eyes staring at him.

Jackson scoffs, "Well, then, you get him to do it."

"I don't even know who he is. Okay, trust me. This whole thing is so much more complicated than you think. There's - there's others. There's hunters."

"Hunting what?" Jackson frowns, "What hunters?"

"Werewolf hunters." The McCall whispers, unaware of the eyes that were watching the entire interaction.

"Oh, my God. You've got to be kidding me."

"No, jerk - off! There's a whole family of them, and they carry assault rifles. Do you get that? assault rifles."

Jackson hums, observing everyone that came to the game. His blue eyes landed on a certain group, he knew it was a bit of a stretch, but he knew she was sketchy,


Scott looks to where he nodded, his eyes widen when he sees he pointed to Ryder's family. He could see the way Romona stared at him, but chose not to say anything,

"What? No."

"So, then it's them." He points back to the Argents.

"No, no!"

Jackson scoffs out a laugh, "Oh, my God, that actually makes sense. Allison Argent.

The beta werewolf could only stand there with a confused look on his face,

"Oh, my God, you don't get it. You've known her this long, and you never actually asked her - her name, idiot. Do you know what Argent means in French?"

Scott's head shake has him elaborating,

"It means silver."


This was why Romona Anders didn't like leaving the house. Because she knew that no matter how reserved she kept her life, there was always some way that things would go wrong.

She knew that the family only a few people away from them looked familiar, but listening to Scott McCall's conversation only confirmed it.

What shocked her, however, was the Argent family fully knowing about her and what she truly was, but ultimately deciding not to do anything about it.

As she looked off to the side, her eyes locking with Chris Argent's blue ones, she knew she had nothing to worry about.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't do anything if the family of hunters continued to go after a teen as innocent as Scott McCall.

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