The box

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Y/n pov:

I gasped for air, my lungs burning as I took deep breaths. I looked around. My eyes stinging with tears as i frantically tried to see despite the complete and total darkness in the crate looking cube I was in.

Minutes later, what seemed like a long time, I finally arrived at the top. The light turned from red to green as the top of the shaft opened up exposing my eyes to the bright sunlight. I quickly shielded my eyes and hissed at how bright it was. I head many gasps and whispers.

"Who's the new greenie?" A boy asked.

"I hope he's a good builder. We need more of those!" Another boy said.

"Well, let's give the greenie some space. Newt, go and fetch the greenie. Let him know he's okay." Another voice boomed throughout my ears.

I closed my eyes. I was sitting in the corner. My knees hugged tightly to my chest. Tears raced down my face. I was absolutely petrified. I could not move. I was almost gasping for more air.

I felt the cage shift. One of the voices from above me had jumped down.

"What do you see?" A loud voice asked.

"It's a girl!" A thick British voice yelled up to where the others were standing, staring down at me.

"WHAT!" A voice yelled!

"What does she look like"

How old is she?"

"How is she doing?"

"Is she cute?"

I heard yells. It scared me and I tried to make myself smaller if it was physically possible.  The boy crouched down and moved closer to me.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." The boy who was skinny but built nicely and had dirty blond hair messily pushed up to the side. His thick British accent made something inside of me feel calm.

"Wh-wh-who are you?" I asked barely whispering. Surprisingly he could hear me still.

"I'm Newt. Do you remember anything at all? It's okay if you don't. It should be coming back to you in a few days." Newt introduced and smiled. Giving me his hand so we could get up.

"No, I'm sorry." I said as I grabbed his hand.

Newt nodded and we climbed out of the cage. I took a minute to gather my surroundings. There were grey walls with ivy inching up the walls. Not fully going up. I felt trapped. The grey walls were all around. I noticed an opening in between the wall. The maze entrance. I looked around and saw a few buildings. This must be where they live. I thought to myself.

"What is this place?" I asked, Looking around in shock.

"This, my friend, is the Glade." A dark tall slim boy came over.

"The what?" I asked in udder confusion.

"The glade, it's what we call it. I will show you around, come on Greenie!" The boy smiled and started walking with Newt. 

I quickly followed and caught up to the boys. Everyone in the glade looked to be around the ages of 15-18 years old. One boy, in particular looked like the youngest. He looked to be around 11-13 years old. His name was chuck. He has joined us while I got the 'grand' tour of what they called the glade.

Chuck was a shorter boy who had adorable Pinch-able  chubby cheeks. He had baby face which made him look even cuter. We got along really well. He was very social with everyone.

After I got showed around I was taken to the homestead as they called it.

"This is where we sleep. The concrete room is the maze room..." The man named Alby informed me as he continued explaining everything's purpose.

Alby had told me about the maze. He told me about the runners and the different jobs that I would be trying out tomorrow. I was full of anxiety. I had my eyes wide open still stunned by my surroundings.

"Oh look!" Newt exclaimed. "Here come the runners for the Greenie to meet!" He smiled.

"I'm guessing runners are the only ones who are allowed to go into the maze and they record what they find in the maze room?" I spoke, more in a question.

"You catch in fast." Alby smiled as the runners made their way over.

"Minho, ben!" Chuck called over. The boys spotted him waving and walked over before going into the maze room.

"I'm guessing this the the new Greenie?" Ben asked in shock as he saw a girl.

"Yep! No memories yet. However I reckon she will remember later on, or in a few days." Alby spoke.

"Nice to meet you, she-bean!" An Asian boy who had sweat on his forehead held out his hand. "I'm Minho. I hope you get to like the Glade." He smiled at me.

"Uh, thanks. Nice to meet you guys." I smiled.

"Well, we better get going to recorded what we saw. We will be at dinner than at the fire for our new she-bean!" Minho smiled as him and Ben walked away.

Hidden Pieces (1) ~ Minho x reader Where stories live. Discover now