The many Nightmares

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y/n POV:

I had been in the map room when i heard a knock on the door. I stood up to open the door. It was James. 

"uhh, hey y/n. Could i talk to you? Alone?" He asked shyly. 

"Uhh yea sure. Just wait right out here while i finish up this area im working on." i slightly smiled. 

"well, uh could you talk now? I really need to talk." he replied. 

"Can it wait five minutes? I can't leave this unfinished or it could ruin everything we have gathered in the past year." i asked. 

"Uh sure i guess." The brown haired boy sighed and walked away. I shut the door and i continued to work on the maze. 

About 5 minutes passed and i had just finished the section i was working on. I wiped the extra glue on my hands onto my jeans. I than made my way towards the door. I walked out and i saw James sitting on a near by log waiting for me. 

"so you wanted to talk?" i asked as he looked up at me. 

"uhh yeah. I figured your the best one to talk to." He smiled as i took a seat next to him. 

"So, whats on your mind?" I asked, looking  into his green eyes.

"How do you guys get used to this place? I mean your the only girl, How do you do it?" He asked. 

"well." i chucked, "I have my closest Gladers keep me sane. Try finding the people who make you happy. Like for me, It's chuck, Minho, Gally, Newt, Winston and Ben." I smiled. 

"Oh." Hes simply replied. 

"I'm scared y/n! I don't know where my family is, who i am? I mean for all we know, i could be kidnapped and the whole world is looking for me outside and they wont find me." He started crying. 

"Oh James, come here." i said and i pulled him into a hug. "I promise its going to get easier!" I pat his back. 

"I just want to go home." He sobbed. "I want to be normal and not stuck in this shucking glade!"

"I know but we have to make the best of this. For all of us. I will find us a way out. I promise you will get to see the outside of this maze and find your way home!" I hugged him tighter.

"Thanks y/n. I'll see you later. I told Clint and Jeff i was going to get fresh air, They probably want me back to work now." He chuckled.  

"Of course, see you later tonight at dinner." i smiled as i walked back inside scanning the map of the maze. 

I had finished what i was working on and Minho and ben wernt back yet and it was nearing dinner time. I walked to the kitchen area and leaned against the counter where fry was cooking. 

"Sup, Y/n?" Fry asked with a big grin.

"Ehh, not much. I finished my work for today and im super board so what other to do than annoy my  own personal chef!" I smirked while fry just rolled his eyes, matching my smirk. 

"well, If you are looking for an early dinner, your outta luck madam." fry laughed. 

"well, could i at last get a sample?" i asked fry with a wide smile.

"Hmm, let me think- NO!" fry smirked.

"Dang." i rolled my eyes, "worth a try tho." i smiled as i bid a goodbye to fry to find another Glader to sass. 

I walked around for a bit till i felt strong hands go around my waist  and pick me up than set me down, scarring me. 

"AHHH!" was all that came out of my mouth as i looked up to see Ben laughing hysterically. 

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