The warning

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Y/n pov:

I was sitting next to Minho and Newt. I lean my head against the log as I slouch down a little more getting a bit more comfy.

"You okay? You look uncomfortable." Newt gave me a look and a small frown.

"Yeah, just.." I trailed off as I had heads a Grievers from inside maze walls.

"It's okay, hopefully you will get your name back and you get used to the glade. It's hard for your first few days. You will get it Greenie!" Gally spoke as he came up behind us kneeling down. Chuck following behind him.

"Thanks Galls!" I smiled "I just want to remember." I sighed.

"Unfortunately she-bean, it takes a while. Not to scare you anymore than you probably are, you don't fully get your memory back." Minho smiled sadly.

"Oh." I replied plainly starting to stand up.  "I'm going to bed guys. I've had a big day. Night" I waved and threw the boys a small smile.

"You sure?" Chuck spoke.

"Yea." I whispered quietly.

"Goodnight!" The boys yelled to me as I walked to my room.

As i was walking i got dizzy and fell to the ground. Gally and Minho along with newt had rushed over to me. It wasnt long untill i sat up, my lungs felt like they were on fire but i managed to croak out a few words. 

"y/n! My name, its y/n." i breathed before i passed out again. 

Minho had carried me to the med hut. After i was in there for quite a while, i went to bed in my hut. i had quickly fell asleep. 

Gallys POV:

Y/n had went to bed. I looked around at the boys faces. Minho and Newt shared a look than looked at me. I knew they were worried about y/n after passing out. we were all happy she remembered her name.

"I don't think she's okay." Chuck spoke, his voice lingering with concern.

"Unfortunately chuck, I think it's
just going to take time for  poor y/n to get used to this place like we all had to." Newt spoke.

"I don't think there is really nothing we can do to make her feel more at peace." I spoke with a sad sigh.

"I hope she gets used to it." Minho spoke. "It's the first girl she-bean we've had. Probably the first and last one we will get. If we even get out of this stupid maze." The brown headed Asian boy sighed.

"Im going to bed. Hopefully she has a better view on tomorrow." Newt spoke.

"I second that!" Chuck said, walking to the homestead, to get some sleep.

Soon it was just me and Minho. We sat in silence until he spoke up.

"Do you like it here?" Minho asked.

"Well, I've started to view this place as my home. I figure there's no escape. So why try to forget this place?" I replied

"I have hope. The she-bean is working on it. She's smart. She can get the calculations down fast. I believe in her. I believe she will get us out of here." Minho smiled.

I had a tiny suspicion that Minho had liked the new greenie. One of my pieces evidence was that he was the only one who had called her she-bean. It's cute. It's like her own personal nickname from Minho. Also the way they look at each other with the smiles. The way Minho picked her up and slung her over his shoulders, said he was comfortable around her. He usually gave sass to everyone else. But it was different with her, And I knew by the feeling in my Gut, it was not only because she was the only girl. It was something more.

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