Escape from the maze

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Minho's POV:

Y/n went to go talk to Gally. He was scared. Fear in his body. He did not want to leave the maze. He wanted to stay here and re-build it but y/n knew he could not stay so she tried to change his mind.

Me, Newt and chuck went to the slammers where Thomas and Teresa were.

"What the shuck was that all about?" Chuck asked as we approached the prisoners.

"Y/n had to remember what she did! I did it for her own good! She's not supposed to be here and it only messed things up!" Thomas argued.

"Where is she anyways?" Teresa asked.

"Gally" Newt answered Teresa.

"Okay, but you can't just stab her with an unknown item shank! It could have killed her!" I spoke. I was quite angry but I tried not to let it show. We were all super stressed out.

"I did what I had to do." Thomas whispered quietly.

"Guys!" Y/n limped over to us.

"Y/n, are you okay?" We all asked.

"It's Gally! He's calling a sacrifice for them 2!" She said, pointing to Thomas and Teresa.

"What?" The pair said in unison.

"He's scared. He doesn't know what to do. We're all scared!" Y/n defended.

"Y/n, we have to think of somthing quick! We have to get out of here. Save ourselves!" Thomas yelled at y/n.

"Yeah I'm trying you ugly shank!" Y/n snorted and rolled her eyes.

"I have a plan." Newt said as he explained his idea of how to escape.


Y/n POV:

I stood next to Gally.

"Gally!" I tired.

"No, he hurt you! This has to be done. He has to be given to the greivers. Maybe then we can start the glade back up again!" Gally spoke.

"Galls, that not how it works." I said sadly.

"Have we tried it? No? So how can you say it does not work when you don't even know buttercup?" Gally argued.

"Sorry." I mumbled

Just than, a few boys carried Thomas and Teresa and tied them up.

"You really think banishing them is going to help anything?" Minho asked.

"It's not a banishing, it's an offering!" Gally replied.

Suddenly, Thomas and Teresa started fighting back. We were able to get to the opening of the maze and gather our group who would
Come with us.

"Anyone else?" Thomas called out.

"I'm sorry." Clint said as he passed Gally to join us.

"Y/n?!" Gally asked in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Galls, I really am."
I said, a few tears trickled down my face.

"Save it!" He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, let's go!" Minho called out.

My leg wasn't as sore as it was. Every once in a while there would be a sharp pain but the adrenaline rushing through my body was able to numb some of the pain.

Slight turn
Section 3
Section 7

"Wait guys, stop!" I hissed.

Hidden Pieces (1) ~ Minho x reader Where stories live. Discover now