My place in the Glade

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Albys POV:

I walked to the Greenies hut and knocked on the door until she opened it.

"Good morning Greenie! Breakfast time, than time to see where you belong job wise!" I smiled as I told her the plans for today.

"Okay. Be right out. Give me 5 minutes." Greenie yawned as she pushed some hair out of the way of her face.

"Okay, I'll be at breakfast. Don't get lost!" I winked and laughed as I left her hut to go meet the others.

Y/n pov:

I was awaken by Alby who told me the plans for today. I walked out of my hut. I was dressed in a pair of tan shorts, a grey tank top, some boots and I had a vest on as well. I made my way over to where the boys were at, eating breakfast.

"Good morning boys!" I called out to the boys who were sitting at the table.

"Good morning Greenie!" Chuck, Newt, Alby, Gally, Ben and fry replied in unison.

"Good morning she-bean!" Minho smiled at me.

"Let's get you fed and than we can start off with jobs!" Alby smiled towards me as I nodded in agreement.

I had quickly eaten my eggs and bacon. I got up and met Alby who was talking to Minho before he went into the Maze for His job.

"Any new changes yet?" Alby asked Minho?

"No, not yet. Still looking. I think we have the whole maze mapped out. Jeez, I wonder if we will ever get out of here!" Minho sighed in appointment.

"Okay, well, keep me posted!" Alby gave a smile smile as he tuned to me. "Ready Greenie? Big day for you today!" He smiled to me.

"Ready!" I smiled.

"Good luck she-bean! I'll be looking forward to hearing all your experiences from today!" Minho smiled as we walked towards Ben as they were running into the maze in a few minutes.

"Okay, here are the jobs you are going to try in order." Alby started. "We have the med jacks,slopper, map makers, track hoes, blood housers, cook and runner." He listed. "Now, understand this greenie," his voice turned serious. "Runner is the last option. Only if you can't stand any of the other jobs and I notice it. Being a runner is very dangerous. Only the ones like Minho and Ben who are very strong and fast are out there. They know what they are doing and they have been trained." Alby said. His voice calming down a bit.

"Okay, I don't think I'd ever want to be a runner." I gave him a reassuring smile.

I started off with the first job. Med jacks. I joined Clint and Jeff as I prepared to help them.

After that, I went though the other jobs. I think I had chosen what job I wanted. All of the jobs were fun. Everyone told me I would be good and it would suit me, however, Alby and Newt along with Chuck and Gally all agreed on one job for me.

A map maker.

Basically what a map maker does is take information from the runners and what they sketch onto paper and I build on to the already started model of the maze. I also will have to make calculations and study the time of when the maze moves.

I was very content with my job. I was waiting for Minho and Ben to get back to I can take a look at what they saw today. Alby had given me a spare key, since they keep the maze map building locked up so no sneaky Gladers can go and mess up anything or try to think they know what they are doing and go into the maze and have a bad outcome.

Minhos POV:

I ran for what seemed like hours. It probably was hours. I was thinking about the she-bean. I wondered if she had remembered her name yet. Or what job she had chose. I sat down to eat my lunch. I could not get her off my mind. I wonder what is was about her. Something felt off but at the same time, it felt right.

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