Greiver attack

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I was  asleep when I felt the bed move harshly. I opened my eyes and saw Minho getting a bag open while franticly looking around.

"Min?" I asked still half asleep.

"Y/n," he ran over to my side of the bed and helped me sit up. This instantly woke me up. "Get up! The maze doors. They aren't closing!" Minho said franticly.

"WHAT?" I said jolting out of bed and running to Minhos side.

"Quick! We have to run to the homestead. Hop on my back. I'll carry you!" Minho instructed me.

I did as I was told and jumped into his strong back. He held the backpack firmly with his forearm while his hands and arms supported me.

"Watch out! GRReiver!" A boy yelled.

"Chuck!" I yelled as I saw the young boy running. "Follow us!"

The young boy ran to meet up with us as we approached the homestead.

"Everyone okay?" Alby yelled.

"Yeah." Was heard from every which way.

"When did Alby get better?" Minho asked Newt.

"Teressa, the new greenie has some serum in her pocket. Seemed to do the trick for him. She was also quite a handful. Throwing things down at us but seems she has settled in for now." Newt said.

The glade was filled with screams, yelps and whines and cry's. For a seconded it was dead silent. No one talked nor moved. Than I heard it.

-BANG- a Greivers leg came and grabbed ahold of me. I was standing next to chuck and minho. Everyone of the Gladers tried to get me down.

"AHHH! Minho, Newt, Alby! HELP!!" I screamed as I was getting flung around.

"I got you y/n!" Newt yelled.

I was suddenly let go and I dropped to the ground. I winched in pain. Minho and chuck rushed to my side. I only wish chuck didn't because he was the next victim.

"Chuck!" I yelled, despite all the pain I was in.

I jumped up and grabbed the boys hand.

"Chuck! Don't let go!" Newt yelled.

"Yeah no klunk!" Chucked yelled back.

He was finally released from the greivers grip when Alby threw a spear and the Greiver retracted back. I gripped onto chuck for dear life.

"Oh gosh! Chuck, are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? What hurts? Are you okay?" I questioned quickly.

"I'm fine!" Chuck smiled.

"Thank shuck!" Minho sighed.

Than the claw reached back in. It gripped Alby. I shot up, almost throwing chuck to Minho and got up to get ably back.

"Y/n, Save yourself. I'm sorry we did not get along at first. We had our differences." Alby said as he was pulled away.

"NOOO! Ably!" I screamed.

I limped outside as fast as I could. Once I made it a few feet out the door I tripped over my own feet and face planted on the ground.

"ALBY!" I yelled once more.

"Y/n!" Are you okay?" Minho asked as he helped me up.

"Ably! He's gone!" I cried.

"I know, it's going to be alright." Minho soothed my crying figure.

"The glade, it's gone. Everything we ever worked for, it's gone!" I sobbed even harder.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay." Minho said as best as he could to attempt to calm me down.

Hidden Pieces (1) ~ Minho x reader Where stories live. Discover now