Becuase of Troubling Thomas

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y/n POv:

I heard the box alarm go off. I ran outside to join the others in the gathering. It took a while for the box to reach the very top but than Gally and Newt opened the top of the box. Gally jumped down to meet the New Greenie.

"Day one Greenie." Gally Smirked.

"Where am i?" The Greenie asked. "why can't i remember anything." He spat out questions.

we helped the Greenie up from inside the box and he pushed some of the Gladers aside harshly and started off with a sprint. He ran until he had face planted into the hard dirt ground.

"oo that ought to hurt." I said to Newt while running with him to go help the Greenie up.

"Ay Greenie, Lets give you the tour." Alby said as he and Newt took the Greenie away.

I was walking around the glade and going into the woods where the builders are building new things.

"You know Gally, That Greenie seems off." I told the keeper.

"And why's that buttercup?" Gally asked looking at me.

"I don't know Galls, I just can't help but get a weird feeling about him." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" Gally asked concerned?

"It's like iv'e seen him before. I've had these dreams. It looked like him and a girl. They were the ones who helped me but i don't quite remember how they helped me." I explained.

"well buttercup, I'm sure that everything will be okay. We will make sure of it."

"Thanks Galls!" i smiled as i gave him a side hug.

we went to lunch togher and sat with Newt, the New Greenie, chuck and Winston. We talked about the Glade in general and how the new Greenie would get used to it.

"Well, i better get going, the boys will be here soon and they went to explore a section so i need to prepare to add on to what we have." i bid my goodbyes as i made my way to the map room.


*Time skip*

I was sitting with Minho and Ben near the fire eating our dinner. Gally was off in his fight circle, Chuck was socilizing and Newt was sitting against a log away from the fire sitting to the new Greenie. I was talking with the runners on how the run went and what they saw. We were talking when we heard Gally.

"Hey Greenie, want to give it a go?" He yelled to the Greenie.

"Uhh sure."The Greenie said.

They fought than The Greenie yelled something.

"It's Thomas, My name, It's Thomas!" Thomas yelled.

"well Thomas, good to have you here." Alby shook his hand.

i sat with Minho and Ben. I hadent noticed i was zoning out untill i felt strong hands pick me up. It was MInho.

'Huh?" i asked in confusion.

"She bean, your zoning out." He said as he sae me down on his lap.

"Oh, sorry. I feel something wrong. I spoke quietly.

Hidden Pieces (1) ~ Minho x reader Where stories live. Discover now