Why is this happening

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Y/n POV:

Once I was in the box, I saw Newt inspecting the girl. He was also holding a note.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"She's the last one. Ever." He read as he looked up from the group.

"What does that mean?" Chatter from the Gladers rang out.

"I'm not sure, but we need to get here to the med jacks."  Alby spoke.

Just than she took a sharp breath and opened her eyes. She Gasped for air and said "Thomas! Thomas is she okay? Is she here?" She than collapsed and laid back down passing out.

"What was that about?" Zart asked looking at Thomas than Glancing down at me.

"Hey, don't look at me, I'm just as confused as you lot." Thomas said, his hands raised in surrender.

we got the girl to the med-jacks hut ,while we were in there Thomas spoke up.

"What about the note?" He asked.

"We will worry about it later. We have to much to worry about now."  Newt sighed.

"He's right Newt, we should worry about it now." One of the Med jacks said.

"I think we should start to think about how long we can last without the box" I spoke with no emotion, starting at the group.

"No one said that!" Newt snapped.

"Newt, the box isn't closing and going back down. Who knows how long we have in this glade!" I spoke, matching his upset energy.

I walked out of the med jacks hut. I walked over to the map room where I could focus on my work. I haven't been in the map room since bens passing so it was a little rough on me but I managed to get work done.

"She-bean" a deep voice spoke.

"Shank" I spoke back.

"Harsh, but how is my Gladergirl doing?" Minho said, calling me a new Nickname that I smiled at.

"Tired, we got a new Greenie today. It's a girl. The box isn't going down. There's something off about her. I don't trust her. Nor Thomas. She was passed out and than woke up and she called for Thomas and asked if I was okay. Well if she was okay but the only other she is me." I spoke in a confused tone.

"Only time will tell, Thomas is giving me a off feeling to, I'm sure we will be fine tho." Minho smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, his head digging into the side of my neck.

"You stink!" I giggled as I fanned my nose in disgust.

"Rude, how's your leg feeling? You should be resting it!" Mean asked.

"It's fine. While you are showering, I will rest in the hut." I spoke as I informed him on my plans.

All of the sudden, Minho threw me over his shoulder, careful of my leg and he took me to my hut.

"Now, lie down, I'll be back after my shower than we can go get dinner!" Minho smiled.

"Sir, yes sir!" I said as I rolled my eyes. My loving boyfriend went to go cleanse himself while I tried to nap.

"Psst, She-bean? You awake?" Minho whispered quietly.

"Sadly." I fluttered open my eyes and rolled them.

"Harsh much?" Minho laughed as he picked me up bridal style and carried me to where we would be eating dinner.

"Hey galls." I said as I sat down while Minho went to get the food. "Hey chuck!" I smiled to the young boy.

"Hey y/n" the boys smiled.

"Where's Newt?" chuck asked as he looked around.

"Oh, he had to talk to Thomas about planting. Apparently he's slacking." Gally rolled his eyes.

"Hmm, how's ably doing?" I asked.

"He's still out cold." Gally spoke.

Suddenly I felt a weight shift next to me. Minho slides me my dinner as I dig into the wonderful cooking of feypans meal. We continued our conversation. Thomas and Newt sat with us and we finished our dinner.

"So, what's going on with that other chick?" Thomas asked.

"You mean the own who had seemed to know you?" I asked in suspicion.

"She obviously seemed to know you too!" Thomas snapped back.

I was just about to slightly stand up and give Thomas a snack on his face when Minho quickly stood up and grabbed me from behind to pull me up so he could restrain me.

"She doesn't know my name." I mocked in his voice.

"Go away." Thomas rolled his duds and minho carried me away from dinner.

"He's a shankity shuckface." I sighed in annoyance.

"I know it darling. But you can't let your anger get the best of you." Minho smiled, while pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

"Let's get you some rest. You need it so you can focus on work tomorrow beautiful." Minho said as he carried me to what used to be my hut but we now shared.

"Deal!" I said. I had managed to roll out if Minhos arm and plop down on the bed. While giving Minho a heart attack that he has dropped me.

"Shuckface, you scared me!" Minho said, placing his hand over his chest.

"Haha!" I laughed at his reaction.

"Okay okay she-bean. Get some rest. It's been a long day. I know it's early but you also need rest because of your leg." Minho said while he walked into the bathroom.

I changed into one of Minhos old shirts that still smelt like him with some spandex shorts.

Minho walked out and plopped onto the bed.

"Sweet dreams handsome." I whispered in his ear and I placed some kissed on his jawline.

Minho giggled at the sudden tickling. "I love you more beautiful." Minho said as he placed a soft yet passionate kiss on my lips.

I snuggled up to my Minho. He wrapped his arms around my back as I laid my head into his chest. Our legs tangled together.

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