Into the thick of it

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Before the doors shut completely, Thomas ran. Me being in front of him was being shoved my his body weight. I was being pushed into the maze and I could not stop myself. It all happened so fast. I collapsed on the cold maze dirt floor. I gasped for air as Thomas landed on top of me.

"Good job." Minho said sarcastically.

"For what?" Thomas asked.

"For getting yourself and my girlfriend killed!" Minho said angry.

Thomas got up. I was still on the floor trying to ease the pain from Thomas impact.

"What's wrong with him?" Thomas asked.

I got up and walked over to the boys.

"Well what does it look like ya shuck face. It's a Greiver sting!" I said annoyed shoving him out of my way while scanning Over the unconscious ably.

"Are huh okay?" Minho said as he cupped my cheeks.

"I think." I sighed as I sat near him. "We better get a move on before we become dinner!" I said to the group.

Minho and Thomas got Alby as I led the way. I've never been inside the maze but being in the map room sure helped me know where I was going.

"We need to hide him or something!" Thomas called out to me and Minho.

"Where?" I turned around harshly. "Look around you, we're in a maze with no escape! WHAT ON EARTH ARE WE GOING TO DO GREENIE!!" I yelled extremely loudly, anger ranging though out my body.

"I- uhh-" Thomas stuttered. "Think of somthing. Come on Minho, any ideas?" He added.

"No, y/n's right." He rolled his eyes.

Eventually we agreed to put him on some vines and tie him up. It was a struggle but we made it. Before I knew all 3 of us were running for our lives. We turned each corner with fear. I wasn't the strongest runner, I had started to slow down due to the fact I have ran like this like ever!

I ran untill I had to turn a coroner. My foot had slipped and I crashed right into the wall. I had at least 3 scrapes on my face. Blood slowly pooled out. I was on the ground. I stood up and winced in pain. I looked down to see my ankle definitely not how it would be. My arm also had a scrape. I got up, despite the everything and gave it my all the catch up with the boys but I had lost them.

"Hey!!" I yelled, trying to get the boys attention. "Guys! Help!" I ran with what I could.

Minho had turned around and ran to me. "OH MY SHUCK!" He yelled as he cupped the side of my face that was clean. "What the shuck happened to you?" He asked worried

"Crashed in to the shucking wall babe." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you okay? Oh gosh. You ankle. Can you run?" He asked franticly asking me a million questions.

"Well, I made it this far. Can't be much worse." I said as we continued to run.

It was the middle of the night. We have been chased by the Griever a long Chuck of that time we were in the maze.

"Do you think we will make it out of here Min?" I asked quietly, leaning my head on his shoulder.

We took a rest in the maze. We were sitting on the floor. It was calm. Thomas we sitting across from us.

"Hopefully. I mean we made it this far. Who says we can't be the ones to live and tell the tale." He smirked.

"You know, the one of the top reasons I love you is became you are so reassuring. You believe in what you believe in. It gives me hope that we will get out of here." I told the Asian.

Hidden Pieces (1) ~ Minho x reader Where stories live. Discover now