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Y/n pov:

I walked around, getting to know the glade, the place I called my home for now.

"Hey Greenie!" A sweet voice called out who I pinned to chuck.

"Hey chuck!" I smiled as I walked closer to him.

"Albys looking for you. It's dinner time." Chuck smiled. "I'll take you. You can also meet the other Gladers!" Chuck smiled.

"Sounds good." I smiled at the young boy and followed him towards the building we eat in.

We approached the dinning hall. I took in the scents of the fresh hot food. I was starving. I had not eaten all day. I felt a rumble in my stomach and looked around for Alby.

"Ahh, There's the greenie!" Alby smiled.

"Yep, here I am." I chuckled nervously.

I sat down in between Newt and chuck. I had a bowl of stew in front of me as did the other boys. The other boys were digging in and slurping their stew down. I ate mine fast, but not as ridiculously as the boys did.

"So She-bean, how do you like the glade!" A strong voice came up from behind me. Startling me a bit, making me jump. The voice than chuckled.

"I like it so far. I has a nice feel to it." I smiled as I turned to see Minho. His brown eyes somewhat lighting up with the sunlight that was focused on his face.

"Good that!" Minho smiled. "You get used to it after a while. Sure, it gets boring but that's why we're here. To keep each other company!" Minho continued, his smile slightly bigger than it was before.

I smiled back to him as he walked off but not before turning around to face me and smirk.

"See you at the bonfire tonight She-bean!" Minho smirked and he turned back around to walk towards the woods to gather supplies for the bonfire.

-time skip-

We had finished eating dinner and talking. Newt got up and so did Chuck. Chuck took my hand in his and started dragging me over to the bonfire. We were both laughing as we approached the fire.

"All this, just for me?" I questioned, taking the the big fire and every single one of the Gladers who were gathered around the fire.

"Of course. Every time we get a new person added to the glade, we celebrate them! It's our way of saying welcome. Alby started it when the second person came Into the glade, which was Newt. That's why he's second in command. Albys first because he was the first into the glade." Chuck told me.

"And every month we get a new 'greenie' added?" I questioned, thinking back to what Alby and newt told me earlier.

"Yep. Poor ably was all alone in the glade untill newt came than the others started coming up each month." Replied the little curly brown haired boy.

I just nodded and we stood around the fire. Everyone was laughing and talking to the other Gladers. Chuck had excused himself so he could go get a snack. I stood there alone until a hand had been placed on my shoulder making me jump.

"Woah there!" The deep voice said. I noticed the voice to be Newt. "Didn't mean to scare you. You look lonely. I saw you talking to Chuck but than he left. You should be enjoying yourself. It's all about you tonight." Newt said as we walked over to a log and leaned against it sitting down. We were facing the fire.

"How long have you been here?" I asked not even knowing what I was saying.

"Ehh, about almost 2 years" Newt spoke.

"gosh, you guys haven't found a way out?" I asked, Looking into his chocolate brown eyes

"Nope." He sighed. "You see, Minho, right there and Ben, besides him, and the ones sitting near them in his group near them? They run the maze Every day. They run trying to find a way we can get out." Newt says pointing to the runners.

Minho saw newt talking to me about the runners due to Newts pointing. Minho send a smile and a small wave which I graciously returned both the smile and wave.

"Than we have the builders, the cook, Frypan, than we have the—" Newt continues talking about the jobs until Gally walks over.

"Hey, Greenie!" Gally smiles.

"Hey Gally." I return the smile.

"Want to challenge me in a fight?" Gally asked with a big smirk on his face.

"Sure, but I don't think I'll last more than 3 seconds." I chuckle.

"Hmm, we'll see about that!" Gally laughs.

I got up and started making my way towards the fight circle Gally had created.

"Ready Greenie?" He asked with a smirk.

"Uhh sure." I said not confident.

We fought for a bit. We did 2 rounds. Gally won the first one. I watched his every move to get to learn his skills and foot placing. I heard he has never lost a fight before. Now, the second time, I had used the footing and placement Gally had used and I was able to knock him over and pin him down. After the fight, we both shook hands and congratulated each other. The Gladers whooped and cheered for me and Glally, the winners of our little match.

Me and Gally walked back over to the log and saw Newt, Chuck, Alby and Minho.

"Here, ya champs!" Alby said laughing as he handed me a greenish or some colored drink.

"What is this?" I scrunched my face as I sniffed it. It smelt very strong!

"Heyy, it's my specialty!" Gally said putting his hand over his chest acting as if he was hurt.

"Okay okay, I'll try some!" I said as I brought the glass up to my lips.

"Oh my goodness!" I spat the drink out. "Sorry to break it to you Galls, but this is horrible!" I gave him a look of sorry and disgust.

The Gladers in the group laughed at my reaction.

"Don't worry She-bean, you get used to it after a while. We all have!" Minho laughed.

We all sat and talked around the fire. One by one, some of the Gladers got up from around the fire and headed to bed. After another hour or 2 of talking, It was just me and Minho along with Gally and Newt. We all were laughing and not going to lie, probably a big drunk from Gallys drink.

"Well she-bean, you should probably get to sleep. I will show you your room. You get the advantage of your own little space since your the only girl and these Gladers can be annoying and shuck faces." Minho chucked as he stood up extending his hand out for me to grab and hoist myself up.

"Minhos got a point greenie! You get to go through the jobs tomorrow and see where you belong." Alby smiled.

The rest of the Gladers walked to their respectful resting places and Minho had walked me to a small hut in the woods but not to far from the homestead.

"Just come find one of us if you need anything She-bean!" Minho smiled and we exchanged our good nights.

"Goodnight Minho! Thank you for tonight." I smiled widely at the tall Asian boy.

"Goodnight she-bean!" Minho smiled and walked away.

Even after Minho was gone, they were both smiling like dorks. Maybe there was something within each other, that the other needed.

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